What Does Modern ERP Software Look Like?

We all remember the look of technology during the rise of the Internet; all the new machines were a less-than-appealing greige (yes, that’s gray plus beige), blue screens with white letters, eventually reaching the then revolutionary interface of blocky, rigid windows.

Apple Macintosh.

Web-design has become continually sleeker, more simplistic, and chic; a symbolic reflection of the increasingly lean technology it fronts. The Apple iMac was one of the first computers to dip its toes into what would become technology’s revolutionary fashion trend. With its stark white and brightly colored complexion, it stood out among the greige computers of the dark ages previous decade.


Apple’s newest products are an unbelievably far leap from where they began:

Apple MacBook and iPhone.

Looking forward

All that to say, technology’s ongoing adoption of better, smarter capabilities is mirrored by better, smarter aesthetics.

The same is true of ERP technology. ERP’s aesthetic has changed drastically over the years, marking the drastic change in usability and intuitiveness.

Here’s an example of what many ERP software interfaces looks like:

Archaic-looking ERP interface.

The astonishing thing is that this is how many ERP systems currently look. In the ERP world, this sort of interface (along with its clogged processes and shoddy usability) still exists today.

Here’s a view of Cetec ERP before we updated our interface within the past few years:

Older Cetec ERP home page.

Here it is now:

Cetec ERP home page.

Cetec ERP part record.

If a user-friendly interface is indicative at all of brighter, modernized technology, it shouldn’t be difficult to tell which system is looking forward, and which is stuck in the past.

If you would like to see what using an ERP system backed by the latest cloud SaaS technology is like, begin a free trial today, accessible directly from your web-browser.