• The process for scrapping and dispositioning material begins on the shop floor, so start with a work order. Click the ‘Req More’ link at the far right column in the list of components for the BOM being produced for this work order. This is how a shop floor user will log scrapped, miscounted, or destroyed material, while simultaneously initiating a process for adjusting inventory accordingly and/or replenishing the component need for the work order. (See our main system docs for a discussion on the difference between anticipated material scrap versus incidental scrap.

  • Inside the Request More Parts window, identify which part and how many of the part you need to disposition. Then, select a ‘Reason Code’ to indicate why parts are being dispositioned. Cetec ERP contains a default set of Part Request Reason codes including: build error, destructive test, scrap, miscount, and missing part. Enter any comments and click Send to submit the part request.

  • Upon submission of a part request, Cetec ERP will display the newly submitted part request toward the top of the work order. You may also navigate to a list of all open part requests via Production » Part » Part Requests. Furthermore, a warehouse picker with the responsibility to fulfill the part request may access it via the Pick Queue (see below).

  • Responsibility lies with the warehouse picker to record an adjustment (within the Part Request screen, see below for more details). Open part requests will appear at the top of a warehouse user Pick Queue to alert the user and link them to the Part Request. Which warehouse user the Part Request is assigned to depends on: 1. The user assigned to the customer that the work order is for (this may be done in Customer » Production Setup); if no user is defined there, then 2. The default warehouse user assigned in configuration settings.

  • A Part Request will display the Reason Code set by your shop floor user, and the inventory impact associated with that Reason Code (see below for details on how Admin users may delineate what kinds of inventory impact to associate to Part Request Reason Codes).

  • Typically during system setup and configuration, and Admin user will set up Part Request Reason Codes to be leveraged in material disposition process. To do so, navigate to Admin » Data Maintenance » Part Request Reason. Cetec ERP contains five default reasons: build error, destructive test, scrap, miscount, and missing part. Each of these reason codes are assigned a particular type of “inventory impact” to drive how inventory is adjusted when the Part Request goes through. There are three system defined inventory impact types: 1. No Inv Change; 2. Add To Order Pick; 3. Adjust Inv Immediately.

  • Once approved (either automatically or via management), a “pick” must be recorded to enact the material adjustment. The recommended process is for this pick to be the responsibility of a dedicated warehouse user. The warehouse user will select the quantity of material initially requested for disposition and click Submit, and if necessary, physically bring the material to the shop floor worker who submitted the Part Request. Clicking Submit will close out the part request, and Cetec ERP will make the adjustment dictated by the inventory impact associated to the reason code on the Part Request (of the three possible inventory impacts: immediate inv adjustment, pick inv and reserve to work order, or no adjustment).

  • To report on material dispositioning, navigate to Production » Part » Part Requests. Here you may search and filter across all open and closed part requests, their respective reason codes, parts, and orders, and more.


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