Invoice Notifications: Bridging The Gap Between Shipping and Invoicing

Separation of powers doesn’t just apply to a democracy - it also exists in manufacturing, particularly in determining which department creates the invoice: accounting or shipping. In many legacy systems, shipping and invoicing were separate processes, so this was forced. Shipping would print the packing slip to indicate shipping information, and then accounting would handle invoicing separately.

This disjointed process created a lot of manual work for accounting, made it difficult to track what orders were open, and didn’t sufficiently update inventory records. Cetec ERP offers a process that helps manage this while allowing invoicing and shipping to occur simultaneously.

In Cetec ERP, you handle shipping and invoicing together by clicking “invoice/ship”. This integrated approach simplifies workflow and ensures that products are shipped and invoiced efficiently. However, if your business prefers to keep shipping and invoicing as separate steps, you can do so by ensuring there is no automated notification set up for the customer in question.

To manage this, you can run the invoice list with the “Sent?/Emailed” filter set to “Unsent.” This allows you to identify invoices that haven’t been sent to the customer, giving the accounting team the opportunity to review them before they go out. This process ensures that all invoices are accurate and meet the necessary criteria before reaching the customer.

For businesses that want invoices to be sent to customers immediately after they are generated, Cetec ERP provides an automated invoice notification feature. By enabling this, you can set up a nightly email that sends invoices for specific customers to a designated email address. This automation eliminates the need to manually send invoices one by one, saving time and reducing the chance of oversight. For detailed instructions, check out Cetec ERP’s guide on sending automatic invoice notifications.

Cetec ERP simplifies the invoice and shipping process, offering flexible options to suit various business needs. Whether you prefer a combined or separate approach to shipping and invoicing, Cetec ERP provides the tools to ensure efficient and accurate operations. With an easy-to-set-up interface and support for multiple manufacturing verticals, you can tailor the system to fit your business requirements quickly and effectively.