Tool List


To enter a tool or asset into the system, navigate to ‘Tool List’ and click the ‘Add New Tool’ link. Fill in the following asset data fields from left to right, leaving blank any irrelevant information (note: the only required field is ‘Serial Number’):

  • Serial Number
  • Part Number
  • Model
  • Value ($ Value)
  • PO Number
  • PO Line
  • Calibration Cost
  • Calibration Control # (if applicable)
  • Box or Bin #
  • Production Area (what is this?)
  • ID of Replacement
  • Manufacturer (what is this?)
  • Type (what is this?)
  • User
  • Ownership (what is this?)
  • Acquired On Date
  • Last Maintenance
  • Maintenance / Calibration Date
  • Maintenance Frequency (what is this?)
  • Maintenance Type (what is this?)
  • Notes
  • Status

The default options for tool types, production areas, asset owners, manufacturers, maintenance types, maintenance frequencies and vendors may be modified by clicking any one of their respective ‘add/edit’ links at the bottom left of the header table. For more information on how to modify default data for tools, click here.

Tool Screen (View, Edit, Maintenance, Documents)

Once you’ve created a tool (see above for information) - you can access and edit its info, perform maintenance, add to knowledge base, and attach relevant documents.


View all data associated with the tool (see above for list of tooling data)

If the tool has been replaced (i.e. if a new tool has been assigned a ‘replacement ID’ to replace another tool), it will broadcast a large message at the top of the window saying “This Tool has been replaced by Tool #”.


After entering a tool, you may setup a calibration and maintenance schedule per engineering and liability requirements. To do so, follow these steps: First, enter a ‘Last Maint’ date to indicate on what date your asset was last updated, maintained, tested, or calibrated. Enter a ‘Maint / Cal Date’ to indicate when is the next date for maintenance or calibration. In the tool list, you may observe a color-coded system that lets you know which of your tools is late (red), within seven days of their Maint / Cal Date (yellow), or outside of seven days (not-colored). Note that this system is based on the Maint / Cal Date, not the Last Maint date. Finally, enter a Maint. Frequency (in months) to setup the recurring schedule on which your asset should be maintained. When you perform maintenance on the tool or asset, you will be asked to enter the date on which you are performing the maintenance. The system will take this date and automatically set the next ‘Maint / Cal Date’ to be the number of months out that you set in Maint. Frequency.


When the time comes to perform scheduled maintenance or calibration on an asset, the system allows you to ‘perform’ this maintenance (i.e. log maintenance results, details, etc.) To do so, follow these steps:

  • Once inside the tool view screen, select the ‘Perform Maintenance’ link from the left sidebar.
  • Log any notes or comments in ‘Maintenance Notes’.
  • Select a Maintenance Type (what is this?)
  • Set the date on which you are performing maintenance.
  • Log whether the tool passed or failed.
  • Click “Submit”.

Note: maintenance history on any tool may be viewed by selecting the ‘View’ tab on the left sidebar and scrolling to the bottom.


To attach files and documents to any Asset, select the ‘Documents’ tab on the left sidebar of the tool view screen; the files will be stored in the particular asset you attach them to for future access with complete revision control. For information on Cetec ERP Document Mangement features and functionality, click here.


Add a note to the knowledge base for each individual tool or asset. Notes can be added to establish a system-wide knowledge base for details on tools and assets. Additionally, you may set reminders on notes to send you personal calendar reminder to follow up on tool maintenance.


If you are adding a new asset in order to replace an old / existing asset, you must pay special attention to return to the Asset you are replacing and edit its “ID of Replacement” field in the first column, sixth row in the Tool edit screen. Entering in the ID of your new asset in this field will effectively replace the tool in the system. If you click into the obsoleted asset, a message reading “This Tool Has Been Replaced By Tool #__” will be broadcasted at the top of the Tool View Screen. Note: it is recommended that, for obsoleted and/or replaced tools, you go to the ‘Edit’ screen and set the tool status to ‘Inactive’ (you can find this field in the first column, last row).

Tool List & Maintenance Tracking


Is there a list of all company assets in one location in the system? Yes - this is the tool list. This is also where you may search for any asset in the system. Search and filter by:

  • Asset Number
  • Serial Number
  • Calibration Control Number
  • Part Number
  • Model
  • Box or Bin
  • Production Area (what is this?)
  • Manufacturer (what is this?)
  • Type (what is this?)
  • User
  • Ownership (what is this?)
  • Failed Last Maintenance?
  • Maintenance / Calibration Date
  • Active / Inactive

To locate a tool in the system, set the filters you want to search on and click ‘Search’. Note that when you create a tool, it is automatically assigned the next available “asset number” in the system. So, if you sort by asset #, the results will be delivered in the order in which they were entered in the system.


To see tools that are on deck for maintenance, click on the ‘Maint. / Cal. Date’ column header to sort by soonest date. Tools that are late for maintenance will be colored red, and tools within seven days of scheduled maintenance will be colored yellow. Tools with maintenance dates scheduled outside of seven days will not be colored.


Cetec ERP provides reporting on percentage of assets maintained on time and on schedule. To view a graph of on-time maintenance rates, select the ‘Tool On-time Maintenance Overview’ link under the ‘Tools’ top navigation tab. From here, set a timespan (From date, To date) to see on-time performance across a period of time.


Cetec ERP provides reporting on percentage of assets maintained on time and on schedule. To view details of on-time maintenance rates for each tool in your system, select the ‘Tool On-time Maintenance Details’ link under the ‘Tools’ top navigation tab. From here, set a timespan (From date, To date) to see on-time performance details across a period of time.


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