Data Maintenance Explained

Cetec ERP provides a system for your business. We also want to let you tailor the data you track so that it adapts to your company, your requirements, your processes, and this without having to rely on a custom software developer. Data maintenance tools enable you to track and describe and define many of your own data tables within the ERP system.

Within the interface, each field in each data maint table includes an helper icon. Hover over this icon for an explanation of what the field represents and how it impacts the system.

Default Settings

For each Data Maintenance category in the system, Cetec ERP includes default data to help get you started. To add, edit or remove data options from these sets, click the link for the data type you’d like to edit.

Data Types


Customer and vendor payment terms options (e.g. Net 30, Net 15, etc.)


Country Codes, currencies, and IATA/UPS codes


AssetMaintFrequency is the monthly frequency on which maintenance, calibration, or validation will occur. These options let you determine on what frequency you’d like to schedule tool maintenance - once a month, every other month, once per year, etc. AssetMaintFrequency is set in the process of creating or editing a tool. The default settings for AssetMaintFrequency data are: 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months, 8 months, 16 months, and 24 months. You may add or edit AssetMaintFrequency options via Tools » Tool List » Tool (or current tool) » Edit Screen » far bottom of window, or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the AssetMaintFrequency data maintenance page, you may change the frequencies by editing the ‘num_months’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional maintenance frequency option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, edit the ‘num_months’ column to your desired frequency in number of months, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete a maintenance frequency option, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


AssetMaintType options let you define the type of maintenance to be performed on a tool or asset. AssetMaintType is set in the process of creating or editing a tool. The default settings for AssetMaintType data are: Calibration, Maintenance, and Validation. You may add or edit AssetMaintTypes via Tools » Tool List » [Tool] (or New Tool) » Edit Screen » far bottom of window - or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the AssetMaintType data maintenance page, you may modify the maintenance options by editing the ‘name’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional maintenance option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, edit the ‘name’ column to your desired maintenance type name, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete a maintenance option, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


AssetOwner refers to the ownership of the tool or asset, whether it is owned by your company, by a third-party, or on lease from another owner. AssetOwner is set in the process of creating or editing a tool. The default settings for AssetOwner data are: Lease, Owned, and Third Party. You may add or edit AssetOwners via Tools » Tool List » [Tool] (or New Tool) » Edit Screen » link at far bottom of window - or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the AssetOwner data maintenance page, you may modify the asset ownership options by editing the ‘name’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional ownership option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘name’ column to your desired ownership option, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an ownership option, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


AssetType is the most important piece of data in the tool category, as it refers to exactly which tool or asset you will be performing maintenance on. It is common for this to be a component of Cetec ERP requiring a decent amount of data entry, due to the sheer number of assets to track in a manufacturing setting. AssetType is selected in the process of creating or editing a tool in the system. Cetec ERP contains a default list of 163 common manufacturing equipment and assets. You may add or edit AssetTypes via Tools » Tool List » [Tool] (or New Tool) » Edit Screen » link at far bottom of window - or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the AssetType data maintenance page, you may modify the asset options by editing the ‘name’ and ‘category’ columns, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional asset, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, remember to navigate to the end of the list to view your newly created row, change the ‘name’ and ‘category’ columns to reflect your new asset, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an asset from the AssetType list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


Customer business types e.g. Distribution, Manufacturing, etc. Use this to group various customers for tracking and data purposes.


Operation types used in assembly used to estimate labor and schedule orders.


CARResolution exists to track the end results of the corrective actions upon closure of the CAR. For instance - some CARs eventuate in the realization that no change is required to address the issue at hand (i.e. a “false positive”), whereas many others will require process changes or HR policy measures, etc. In these instances, it may be useful to assign a ‘type’ of Resolution with which to close the NCR.

CARResolution is set in the Validation state of the CAR workflow (to learn more about CAR workflow states, click here). The default settings for CARResolution data are: Completed, Completed-Change Implemented, Completed-Responsibility Assigned, Closed-No Change Required. You may add or edit CARResolutions via the “add/edit” link situated right next to the ‘Resolution Type’ select box, under the ‘Resolution’ header which only appears in the Validation state. CARResolution options may also be modified via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the CARResolution data maintenance page, you may modify the resolution options by editing the ‘description’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional resolution option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘description’ column to your desired resolution option, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the CARResolution list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


CARRootCauseType represents the actual, bottom-line cause of non-conformances and issues. CARRootCauseType is the final result of performing Root Cause Analysis - a systematic approach to determining fundamental, “root” causes of faults or problems in your operation (to find out more about Root Cause Analysis with Cetec ERP, click here.) CARRootCauseType is set upon successful completion of Root Cause Analysis - which may only occur in the Creation state of the CAR workflow (to learn more about CAR workflow states, click here). Cetec ERP contains a default list of 34 common root cause types. You may add or edit CARRootCauseTypes via the “add/edit” link situated right next to the ‘Root Cause’ select box, or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the CARRootCauseType data maintenance page, you may modify the root cause options by editing the ‘description’ and ‘cause_type’ columns, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional root cause type, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘description’ and ‘cause_type’ columns to your desired root cause options, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the CARRootCauseType list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


CARSource tracks the impetus for corrective actions in your company, and is set during the Creation state of the CAR workflow. There are four default options for CARSource in Cetec ERP: Audit (internal), Audit (external), NCR, and Customer Case. You may add or edit CARSource options via the “add/edit” link situated right next to the ‘CARSource’ select box, or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the CARSource data maintenance page, you may modify the CAR source options by editing the ‘description’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional CAR source option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘description’ column to your desired CAR source option, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the CARSource list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


CARType refers to the type of action taken in response to a non-conformance. CARType is set during the Creation state of the CAR workflow. There are two basic, default options for CARTypes in Cetec ERP: Corrective Action and Preventative Action. You may add or edit CARType options via the “add/edit” link situated right next to the ‘CAR Type’ select box, or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the CARType data maintenance page, you may modify the CAR options by editing the ‘description’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional CAR option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘description’ column to your desired CARType option, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the CARType list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


Customer Credit Code Types e.g. Past Due, Credit Hold, Current Account, etc.


Cross Part Type.


Currency Abbreviation, Sign, and Description e.g. USD, $, US Dollar, etc.


Currency conversion rate e.g. 1 USD = 1200 Won.


Sales Representative Type e.g. Inside Sales, Outside Sales, etc. Use this to track commissions, sales, etc.


CustomerComplaintAction refers to the action taken in response to customer complaints or feedback. After selecting a CustomerComplaintAction, log a description of the context of the action (i.e. what the customer feedback was, what clarification was needed, what was done or promised in response, etc.) in the comments box and click “Add History” to log the action in Customer Case history. The default options for CustomerComplaintAction are: email, survey, verbal, probation, termination, policy change, and other. You may add or edit CustomerComplaintAction options via the “add/edit” link at the bottom of the Case History section, just beneath the “Add History” button , or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the CustomerComplaintAction data maintenance page, you may modify the action options by editing the ‘description’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional action option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘description’ column to your desired action option, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the CustomerComplaintAction list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


CustomerComplaintResolution indicates what your company is resolving to do to address the customer complaint or feedback, if anything. CustomerComplaintResolution is set only when you are ready to close out the customer case - if the Customer Case is not yet ready to be closed, leave the Resolution Type set to “None” for the time being. The two default options for CustomerCompliantResolutions are: Closed, NCR Created and Closed, No Resolution Required. You may add or edit CustomerComplaintResolution options via the ‘Resolutions’ link at the bottom left corner of the header window, or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the CustomerComplaintResolution data maintenance page, you may modify the Resolution options by editing the ‘description’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional resolution option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘description’ column to your desired resolution option, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the CustomerComplaintResolution list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


CustomerComplaintType exists to track the categories of feedback received from a customer. CustomerComplaintType is set upon creating a customer case. The default options for CustomerComplaintType are: Feedback and Complaint. You may add or edit CustomerComplaintType options via the ‘Types’ link at the bottom left corner of the header window, or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the CustomerComplaintType data maintenance page, you may modify the customer case options by editing the ‘description’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional customer case option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘description’ column to your desired option, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the CustomerComplaintType list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.

Department (Customer Feedback)

‘Department’ refers to which department in your company a ‘customer case’ pertained to. Department is set upon creation of a customer case. The default options for Department are: Sales, Purchasing, Production, Accounting, Inventory, and Management. You may add or edit Department options via the ‘Departments’ link at the bottom left corner of the header window, or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the ‘Department’ data maintenance page, you may modify the company department options by editing the ‘name’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional department option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘description’ column to your desired Department option, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the ‘Department’ list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’. The ‘manager_id’ column is not a required field to write in; if you wish, feel free to type in the user id of the manager for each respective department as a note for future reference.


Discount types applied to goods during the sales process.


Tracks the types of changes involved in Engineering Change Order/Request.


Define a task whose responsibility for execution may be assigned to a user in the Responsibilities & Requirements section of the ECO process.


ECO types e.g. Customer driven, component end-of-life, etc.


Define other Ledger/Accounting sources (used to aggregate multiple companies financials)


Freight on Board codes e.g. Exworks, Ship Point, etc.


Inspection failure codes, i.e. reasons for inspection failure.


Types of inspection, e.g. Receiving Inspection, In-Process, or Final.


Possible reasons for inventory adjustment e.g. Put away, user error, miscount, etc.


Statuses applicable to components audited in a kit audit e.g. Pass, missing part, wrong quantity, etc.


In case your business utilizes more than one warehouse location (warehouse locations need not be physically separated. If it serves your purpose, you could divide one physical warehouse into two or more locations), you can set up various warehouse locations you pull stock from and receive stock into. To do so, navigate to Admin » Data Maintenance » LNAME. Here, you can define your company shipping address by defining warehouse address. If you want to add a new warehouse location, check Add Record and press Submit.

This will create a new line for you to enter your data into. In the blank line, enter data and press Submit again to save the Warehouse Location information. After this is done, you will be able to select the newly entered location from any place that requires warehouse location in Cetec ERP.

Part stats such as average cost, quantity on hand, receipts, and more are tracked separately for each warehouse profile for a part.


Source types from which leads were generated e.g. Cold calling, web site, tradeshow, etc..


Types of lead. This would usually correspond with the product or service you are aiming to sell the account on, i.e. the lead program.


Manufacturer refers to the company who manufactured the asset you currently own or lease. Manufacturer is set upon tool/asset entry or maintenance. You may add or edit ‘Manfacturer’ options via the ‘Manufacturers’ link at the bottom left corner of the header window, or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the ‘Manufacturer’ data maintenance page, you may modify the list of asset manufacturer options by editing the ‘name’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional manufacturer, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘name’ column to your desired Manufacturer, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the ‘Manufacturer’ list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’. The ‘website’ column is not a required field to write in; if you wish, feel free to type in the website for each respective manufacturer as a note for future reference.


NCRDisposition refers to the method selected for disposal or relegation of the nonconforming product, raw material, or component. In other words - what you choose to do with the material once it has been deemed defective. NCRDisposition is set only during the Review state of the NCR workflow. The default options for NCRDisposition are: Return to Stock, Return to Vendor, Rework, Scrap, and Use As Is. You may add or edit NCRDisposition options via the “add/edit” link right next to the ‘Disposition’ select box, or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the NCRDisposition data maintenance page, you may modify the list of disposition options by editing the ‘description’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional disposition option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘description’ column to your desired Disposition, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the NCRDisposition list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


NCRResolution exists to track whether or not any actions were taken to address the NCR upon its closure. For instance - some NCRs are closed without any further action required, and some are closed because a corrective action has been implemented and the issue has been fully addressed. In these instances, it may be useful to assign a ‘type’ of Resolution with which to close the NCR. NCRResolution is set in the MRB and Management states of the NCR workflow. The default settings for NCRResolution data are: Completed, Completed-Fixed, Completed-Vendor Change, Completed-Process Change, In Process-CAR Opened. You may add or edit NCRResolutions via the “add/edit” link situated right next to the ‘Resolution Type’ select box, under the ‘Resolution’ header which only appears in the Validation stage. NCRResolution options may also be modified via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the NCRResolution data maintenance page, you may modify the list of NCR resolution options by editing the ‘description’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional NCR resolution option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘description’ column to your desired NCR resolution, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the NCRResolution list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


NCRType refers to the source of the non-conformance to the established standard. This clarifies the category of non-conformance - i.e. whether it was a non-conforming process, product, component, employee behavior, shipment from vendor, etc. NCRType is typically set upon creating an NCR, but remains editable throughout each NCR workflow state. The default options for NCRType are: Customer Complaints, Physical Inventory, Production, Sales, Accounting, and Vendor/Supplier. You may add or edit NCRType options via the ‘Edit Types’ link right next to the NCRTypes select box in the header section of any NCR, or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the NCRType data maintenance page, you may modify the list of NCR options by editing the ‘description’ and ‘responsibility’ columns, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional NCR option, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘description’ and ‘responsibility’ columns to your desired NCR type, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the NCRType list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


NoteType indicates the occasion for adding a note to the knowledge base for a document, customer case, or asset/tool. In other words - what is a good way to classify the note? What prompted its entry? NoteType serves the purpose of categorizing your knowledge base with quick labels to the notes you enter in the system. NoteType is set upon creating a note for a document, customer case, or asset/tool. The default options for NoteType are: Alert!, Email, General Note, Reminder, and Phone Call. You may add or edit NoteType options via the ‘Edit Note Types’ link right next to the ‘Note Type’ select box, or via Admin » Data Maintenance.

In the NoteType data maintenance page, you may modify the list of Note types by editing the ‘description’ column, clicking ‘Submit’, and setting the modified row to ‘Active’. To add an additional Note type, select the check-box labeled ‘Add Record’ at the bottom left, click submit, change the ‘description’ column to your desired Note type, set status to ‘Active’, and click ‘Submit’ again. To delete an option from the NoteType list, select the button in the ‘Delete’ column for the row you wish to delete and click ‘Submit’.


Maintains default shipping instructions for customers.


Types of business opportunities for existing customers. This is used for Opportunity / PipeLine tracking, i.e. a separate module of CRM than lead management.

OrdlineStatus (Work Locations on a router)

OrdlineStatus is the Cetec ERP term for each work location, machine, or assembly station on your shop floor. These are the work locations that a product may travel along as it is built or processed. Each BOM that you build will have a distinct set of OrdlineStatuses that will constitute its “router”.

When defining part routes for your BOMs (at quoting or in BOM maintenance), you’ll be able to select from the list of OrdlineStatus options you define here. The set of OrdlineStatuses (i.e. work locations) you define on your BOM will drive the router in the production process when the order hits the floor.

Here’s a brief description of each field you can define in the OrdlineStatus table:

Description is the name of the work location.

Build Order is used to provide default location order (how parts flow through the locations in the production process), which can be attached to a BOM Labor Plan then modified.

Is Picking indicates that the location is used to gather inventory (used in managing Pick Queues, as in Warehouse->Pick Queues).

Is Primary Staging indicates that this is a starting point for fulfillment - the location Orders are in before they are released for pick/build.

Is Outsourcing is set for labeling locations (only significant if integration from Cetec ERP and your labeling system exists).

Location Group is used to provide logical grouping between locations, and routing between one group and the other is not normally desired (e.g., within the same facility, there is a ‘Clean Room’ with production locations and an ‘Assembly’ area with separate production locations. ‘Clean Room’ and ‘Assembly’ would be the location groups.)

Labor Rate (or ‘burden rate’ for machines) is defined in dollars per hour. E.g. for 10 dollars/hour, enter an integer 10 into this field.

Credit GL Account ID is for mapping labor time/cost to a particular G/L account (other than the default labor GL account) at invoicing as a credit.

Debit GL Account ID is for mapping labor time/cost to a particular G/L account (other than the default labor GL account) at invoicing as a debit.

Capacity Minutes Per Day represents the available time (in minutes) per day for an assembly station or machine to help drive production scheduling logic.


Reasons for part request e.g. pick shortage, defective parts, etc.


Types of payments to classify A/P payments in the system (e.g. Wire Transfer, ACH, Credit Card, etc.)


Reasons for pricing rules e.g. contract pricing, sale, bulk pricing, etc.


Production statuses to help track work orders e.g. On-time, late, Ahead of schedule, etc.


Names of locations or cubbies that tools/assets are put away into upon check in e.g. Bin 1, Bin 2, etc.


Reasons for closing a quote or losing the business.


Activate/Deactivate user roles.


Methods of order shipment e.g. UPS, FedEx, etc.


Sources for sales quote import.


Use workcenters (i.e. production lines) to manage a shop floor with multiple production lines. You can assign certain BOMs to a particular work center, so that work orders for those goods are routed to and may be managed to the appropriate work center.


This lets you setup your own custom workflows per Business Object (that is, for Business Objects for whom Workflow is supported – PQuote, NCR, Voucher, ECO, CAR, Opportunity, Lead, Quote, Document).


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