Work Order Management


Order split is a process by which an existing order line is split in two e.g. Finding out that you can only partially fulfill a customer request, you might want to split the order in two, fulfill what you can, and track the part of the order that is unfulfilled.


In order to edit a work order that has been created, navigate to SALES » Orders » Order List » [Find an order] » Edit. From here you can edit header level items as well as line level items. If the order is in process already, editing an order will immediately effect the changes in process.

Add line: Navigate to SALES » Orders » Order List » [Find an order] » Edit. Look below the order header to see order lines. At the bottom of the table you will see an empty order line marked with order number of (New). Fill out the empty fields with data, and click on Update inside the header.

Delete line(s): Navigate to SALES » Orders » Order List » [Find an order] » Delete Line/All. Select the lines that you would like to delete by checking the select box, then click on Delete Selected Lines inside the header (Note that some lines cannot be deleted e.g. lines that has the corresponding part picked cannot be deleted).

Edit pricing: Navigate to SALES » Orders » Order List » [Find an order] » Edit. Look below the order header to see order lines. Enter new cost or resale value to assign to the lines and click Update.

Edit dates: Navigate to SALES » Orders » Order List » [Find an order] » Edit. Look below the order header to see order lines. Enter new WIP, promise, and Dock Dates to assign to the lines and click Update.

Edit part revision: Navigate to SALES » Orders » Order List » [Find an order] » Edit. Look below the order header to see order lines. From the pulldown menu, select a new revision code from preexisting revision codes for the part, and click Update.


In case you want to stop all on-going production work, navigate to PRODUCTION » Mgmt » Stop Work. Pressing on Stop Work will will stop all work on all open work orders.


Cetec ERP provides you with powerful labor reporting tools to track labor going into production. To see how labor data is entered into Cetec ERP, go here.

Once labor data is entered, you can access this data via different reports with different functionalities. Here are the labor reporting tools that Cetec ERP offers:


The BOM Stats report tracks and reports BOM production statistics of selected BOMs. To access the BOM Stats report navigate to PRODUCTION » Mgmt » BOM Stats.

The first thing to note about this report is that the BOMs you want to track must be added manually to the BOM Stats report. To do so, notice the first input field in the report named Add/Refresh Part. Type in the BOM Prcpart code, and click Add/Refresh. To give you the time to work with a BOM stats snapshot, we have also opted for manual refresh for the BOM Stats report. You can either refresh the BOM stats by clicking on the Refresh link on the far right side of every BOM row, or by adding an already added BOM by using the Add/Refresh field. If you add a BOM that has already been added, it will simply refresh the BOM stats.

Below the Add/Refresh field are parameters for filtering and displaying. Note that the parameters apply only to BOMs that have been added already. Use the Prcpart field to search for a specific BOM. Qty Sample At Least, Avg Total Minutes At Least, and Delta At Least all display results that have equal or greater quantity than the number you specify for the parameters.

  • Avg Routing Minutes = Total work location queue (routing) time / Sample Size Qty
  • Avg Wait Minutes = Total wait minutes (which is time in staging location) / Sample Size Qty
  • Total Avg Minutes = Avg Routing Minutes + Avg Wait Minutes
  • Labor Estimate Per Part = Estimated labor time per part
  • Delta (Work vs Est) = Labor Estimate Per Part - (Avg Routing Minutes + Avg Wait Minutes)
  • Sample Size Qty = Number of work orders (open or closed) for the selected top-level part


There might be variance in actual time put in to complete a work order (Total Labor Value) versus the projected time it takes (Estimated Labor Value). The variance between these two variables is captured and displayed in Labor Variance Report. To acces it, navigate to SALES » Invoices » Labor Variance.

Near the top of the screen you will see search parameters to filter what is included in the Labor Variance Report.

Below the search filters is the option to display either a line or a bar graph of the total labor variance in the system. These graphs may help you understand the overall picture of labor variance for your business better. You also have the option of saving the graphs in a PDF format.

Lastly, the main part of the screen will be taken up by a table that displays the variance per order line. The most important fields in this table are $ Variance and Variance Minutes. Variance Minutes simply indicates the positive or negative value of variance between Total Labor Value and Estimated Labor Value. $ Variance simply multiplies Variance Minutes with labor cost per minute, and therefore indicates the positive or negative value of variance in cost between Total Labor Value and Estimated Labor Value.


The Management Queue report summarizes the production activity of users, reporting on who (which users?) is working where (which work location?). The report can be sorted by either user, displaying the locations that the selected worker has worked at, or by work location, displaying the users that passed through the selected work location.

To access the Management Queue screen, navigate to PRODUCTION » Mgmt » Management Queue. Near the top of the report, you will see the search filter. If you want to set a specific date range, you can do so utilizing From and To Fields. If you want to select either a particular work location or a user, you can do that as well (the default is “All” for both). Lastly, choose from the pulldown menu whether you would like to sort the report by User or by Location.


Order progress graph is located near the top of the work order screen which can be accessed via PRODUCTION » Orders » List » [work order]. This graph compares the work required to complete a work order (Estimated Labor Value) against the actual amount of work entered (Total Labor Value) at the time of display, and displays it as a graph. As you update work order status, the graph will automatically update indicating work completed as well as work required to complete the work order.


The Production Time By Location report sums up and displays the time put into each location by work order. To access the Production Time By Location screen, navigate to PRODUCTION » Mgmt » Production Time By Location.

The top of the screen displays the search filter for the screen. Fill out the parameters to specify the range of your search.

Below the search filter, you will see a table detailing work locations, the total time put in, and the number of work order lines found in each work location. You can click on the number of work order lines to be taken to a more detailed view of every order line that went through the work location. The time spent by each order line is displayed under the Time column in Day:Hour:Minute format. Avg Time Per Piece displays the Time put in divided by order line quantity. The Changed To column tells you which work location the work order line has been moved to after going through the current work location. Changed On indicates when the work location change has occurred.


The View Work report is the most comprehensive list for tracking all the labor that is associated with the system, including past and on-going labor. To access the View Work report, navigate to PRODUCTION » Mgmt » View Work.

The top of the screen displays the search filter for the screen. Fill out the parameters to specify the range of your search.

Below the search filter, you will see a table detailing who is or has been working on what and where and for how long, along with other labor related data.


Work history is located near the bottom of the work order screen which can be accessed via PRODUCTION » Orders » List » [work order line]. Work history lists the assigned worker, date, queue time (time spent in a work location, distinct from actual labor time recorded), and labor cost per work location as well as the total amount of work entered (Total Labor Value) and the estimated work required to complete a work order (Estimated Labor Value).


Documentation coming soon.


Order Value by Location organizes and displays the total resale value of of all open work orders per work location. At the top of the screen you will see a search with two parameters: Ship Date From and Ship Date To. By setting the Ship Date From field to the date when you are accessing this report, you can effectively isolate late open work orders from open work orders that are on-time. The resulting table includes a column for Before (Ship Date From) and another one for the date range specified in the search. Any positive value in Before (Ship Date From) column indicates that they are late open work, and that there is an unexpected problem in your company cash flow. The Location column shows where in your shop floor cash is being tied down to, and the date period columns displays the rough expected date when you could expect that cash to be released. Lastly, the Total column combines the total resale amount tied down to each work location by adding the amount from the Before (Ship Date From) column to the Period (Ship Date From through Ship Date To) column.

Below the table you will see two pie graphs that show late open work order resale amount per work location, and total open work order resale amount per work location.


Production Calendar maps targeted, predicted, and actual order resale values associated with orders onto a calendar, providing visibility to those values and the disparity between them. Each date on the calendar displays seven different values. They are:

  • Target Total - Monthly target is your targeted sales amount for the respective month. This value is set at the bottom of the Production Calendar page by the user. Once Monthly Target is set, it is then divided by the number of days in that month, generating daily target sales amounts. So for instance, if you are targeting $90,000 of sales for the current month, and if there are 30 days in this month, your daily target would be $3000. Target Total is the cumulative total of the target value up to that point in time, e.g. continuing with the example above, on the 7th day of the month the Target Total would be $21,000 and on the 24th day, $72,000.

  • Promise Ship Total - When you create a quote, you enter a Ship Date which indicates the promised date for order shipment. The Promise Ship amount is the total amount of the parts to be shipped on that day. Promise Ship Total is the cumulative total of the Promise Ship amount up to that point e.g. if the Promise Ship amount for the first four days of the month are $3,200, $2,800, $1,000, and $0, the Promise Ship Total amount for the fourth day would be $7,000. Notice that each Promise Ship Total field is a link. When you click on it it will take you to the Order List and automatically display all orders whose Ship Date falls between the beginning of the month to the selected date.

  • Actual Total - There might be disparity between the Promise Ship Amount and the Actual (ship) amount. The Actual (ship) amount is the total amount of all parts actually shipped and invoiced on that day. Actual (ship) Total is the cumulative total of the Actual (ship) amount up to that point e.g. if the Actual (ship) amount for the first four days of the month are $3,000, $3,000, $2,000, $4,000, the Actual (ship) Total amount for the fourth day would be $12,000. Notice that each Actual (ship) Total field is a link. When you click on it it will take you to the Invoice List and automatically display all invoices whose Ship Date falls between the beginning of the month to the selected date.

  • Promise Ship - When you create a quote, you enter a Ship Date which indicates the promised date for order shipment. The Promise Ship amount is the total amount of the parts to be shipped on that day. Notice that each Promise Ship field is a link. When you click on it it will take you to the Sales Order List and automatically display orders whose Ship Date falls on the day in question.

  • Actual - There might be disparity between the Promise Ship Amount and the Actual (ship) amount. The Actual (ship) amount is the total amount of all parts actually shipped on that day. Notice that each Actual (ship) field is a link. When you click on it it will take you to the Invoice List and automatically display invoices whose Ship Date falls on the day in question.

  • Target Gap - Target Gap is the disparity between the daily target sales amount and the Actual (ship) amount.

  • Promise Gap - Promise Gap is the disparity between the Promise Ship amount and the Actual (ship) amount.


WIP Aging Report provides visibility to different types of costs involved in the production of a work order. To access WIP Aging Report, navigate to PRODUCTION » Orders » WIP Aging Report. On top of the page you will see various parameters that could be used to filter the list (by default, it is set to display all open work orders).

The key to using the WIP aging report is to leverage the Pick Date From and Pick Date To date filters to restrict the report, paying special attention to the Material Cost field in the results. This essentially captures the cost of material tied up in WIP across time. The Material Cost field is representative of the total cost of all BOM components for the order line; Labor Min displays the total number of minutes logged to the work order; and Labor Value is calculated by multiplying Labor Min by the labor cost for each work location for which any Labor Min has been entered. Lastly, Est Labor Min displays the estimated labor time that you have assigned for the order for easy comparison with the acutal labor time (which is captured in Labor Min).


WIP/Work Order Reporting is the most comprehensive reporting tool used to check, filter, and organize work order data. In order to access WIP/Work Order Reporting, navigate to PRODUCTION » Orders » List. On top of the page you will see a search with different parameters, and below it a table containing the search result. This page serves two functions: first, by utilizing its searching and sorting capabilities it can be used as a reporting tool for organizing and displaying production-related data; second, it can be used to access a particular work order.

To access all available parameters for the search, click on More Options. This will expand the search to display all the tools available to organize and display the resulting data. While you can use these parameters in isolation, the real power comes from combining different parameters to narrow down search results and to get at the precise data you are looking for.

Here are a few example of Production Order List search parameters and how they can be used to provide visibility to your shop floor.

  • Part # - Filters work orders by top-level part, i.e. the finished product being built. Entering multiple Prcparts will return all orders for those top-level parts.

  • Location - Filters work orders by the work location they are currently in. You can also press Ctrl (or ⌘ if you are using a Mac) to select various locations at once, and the resulting search will return all work orders that are currently in selected work locations. Next to work location selection box is a checkmark box called Exclude Selected Locations? Check this before pressing Submit to display all work orders excluding the ones selected in the Location select box.

  • Production Status & On Target? - You can also search for orders based on their production status. To set a production status for a work order, navigate to the work order screen (PRODUCTION » Orders » List » [select a work order] » View) and click on (Set) by Production Status. By filtering the order list and actively updating production status of work orders, you can easily classify and identify the status of work orders. You can also access Production Status simply by clicking on the Prod Status or On Target field within a row on the work order list.

  • Tag - You can also search for orders based on their tags. To attach tags to a work order, navigate to the work order screen (PRODUCTION » Orders » List » [select a work order] » View) and click on (Set) by Tags. By actively updating tags, you can easily classify work orders.


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