Invoicing is, along with packing and shipping of parts, the last stage in completing the order processing cycle. During this stage an invoice is created and sent, and Cetec ERP relieves inventory by wrapping up the total quantity of involved parts and subtracting them from the quantity on hand. Furthermore, invoice sent and payment received ties into Cetec ERPs accounting module.


You can access the invoice screen from the sales order view. If you are working on an order, and if you have just converted an order from a quote, this will automatically take you to the sales order screen. Otherwise, you can manually navigate to a sales order screen by navigating to SALES » Orders » Order List » [order number]. Both routes will take you to the sales order screen which will display Invoice/Ship option on its left-side menu. Click on this to be taken to the Invoice/Ship screen for an order.


The Invoice/Ship screen displays the sales order header information as well as fields to enter tracking numbers from your choice of shipping method and freight amount.

If you are in possession of tracking numbers from the shipping company, you may enter them in Tracking Numbers fields. Doing so will register the tracking number to the invoice, and create a link to tracking services. You may also enter the freight amount for the order in the Freight Amount field, which will be reflected in the total amount depending on your FOB option.

Below these fields are the sales order lines to invoice. Here, you can specify the quantity to invoice and ship against the order quantity. Filling out a ship quantity will:

  • Track the number of shipped and unshipped parts. Once all quantity due for a line are shipped, that line will be closed, and once all quantity due for all lines are shipped, the order will be closed.

  • Relieve the specified quantity from your inventory. If the part is a BOM, then the corresponding amount of sub-assembly parts will be relieved.

  • The material cost of quantity shipped and the current labor cost logged to the work order will be summed up in your invoice. Since an invoice is created per shipment, several partial shipments will create multiple invoices for an order.

At this point you can click on the Update button to register the data entered and to unlock the packing slip and packing label for the order. Once you click on Update, the grayed out items from the left-side menu, Packing Slip and Packing Label, will become accessible.

Finally, to invoice the order, click on Create Invoice.


The first step to invoicing a sales order line item is to enter the ship quantity in the Ship Qty field in the far left column of the line details. After entering the quantity of the good to be shipped/invoiced, hit the TAB key. This will load a breakdown of the material used in the top level good that will be rolled up into the invoice cost and relieved in inventory.

For partial shipments, the material breakdown will reflect the ratio of the total top level quantity of the part on the order to the partial shipment quantity. The quantity of component level material to relieve may be edited on the fly. Note that Cetec ERP does not currently support the partial shipment of serialized goods (the system will alert you if you attempt to do so). Partial shipment of serialized goods will require splitting the order into two lines and shipping separately.

Also, notice a breakdown of the labor that was tracked to the work order and costed to the order. Cetec will display the estimated labor (per unit) of the top level good, the actual labor (per unit) logged to the work order, and the total labor cost extended across what quantity of the part you are shipping. Cetec will alert you if you are attempting to invoice an order that someone is still actively logging time to.


After you create a packing slip and a packing label, click on the respective link to access the packing slip or the packing label. These forms come in print-ready PDF format. Simply print the forms and include/attach them to the respective package before shipping them out.

In case you want to access the packing slip or the packing label for a previous invoice, open up any of the invoices created for the same order by navigating to SALES » Invoices » Invoice List » [Invoice Number]. The forms generated for that particular shipment/invoice can be found inside the Documents tab in the left side menu.


Invoicing a sales order will automatically re-direct you to the invoice view. If you want to access the invoice view manually, navigate to SALES » Invoices » Invoice List » [Invoice Number].

From the left side menu, the Part Details/Serials screen displays all the parts/serials included in the invoice, both the top level good sold and components / raw material as used in the top level good.

The PDF screen will display the invoice in a PDF format, which you can download or directly email to your customer from within Cetec ERP.

Lastly, the Take Payment screen will enable you to receive payment which directly ties into the A/R module of Cetec ERP.


The actual tax percentage when calculating invoice total is determined by the pre-defined tax-code per the ship-to address of a customer. In ADMIN » Data Maintenance » 9TAX you can define various tax codes to be used at the ship-to address level. Once this is done, navigate to SALES » Customers » Customer List » [desired customer] and click on Edit to the far right of the ship-to address of your choice. Near the bottom of the popup screen you will be able to select a tax code to associate with the ship-to address. Once the association is complete, choosing the ship-to address when creating a quote/invoice will automatically use the assigned tax code.

(When editing a customer ship-to address data, you will see Tax Type field next to Tax Code field. This is for tax reporting purposes only. The preset data for Tax Type field is defined in ADMIN » Data Maintenance » TXTYPE)

Freight Tax - Note that Cetec ERP does not tax freight when calcutaing the total invoice cost. This is a simple configuration setting we can turn on or off, so if you want freight to be taxed please email us at, flip that configuration setting on (email us at “” for instructions).


This is how costs roll up into an invoice in Cetec ERP:

Invoice Header Level

  • Invoice sub total = The sum of: each line item resale multiplied by quantity shipped.
  • Invoice total = Invoice sub total + Tax + Freight.

Invoice Line Level “As Sold”

(note that “as sold” items are the final goods shipped; “as used” items are raw material that were used to construct a finished good.)

  • Resale = Unit Resale per item. This is true for both Assembly orders (with transaction code of ‘Build’) and for Stock orders (with transaction code of ‘Stock’).
  • Cost =
    • For Stock orders (Transcode Stock) = Unit material cost.
    • For Assembly orders (Transcode Build) = component material cost + finished good unit labor

Invoice Line Level “As Used”

(note that “as sold” items are the final goods shipped; “as used” items are raw material that were used to construct a finished good.)

  • Resale = N/A; does not exist.
  • Cost = unit material cost.


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