Cetec ERP contains default workflows for Documents, NCRs, CARs per industry standards for ISO compliance. These workflows represent the pathways by which the document, NCR, or CAR may travel as it is routed through different “states” and assigned to different users in the system. These are the two key aspects to understanding how workflow works: routing to Stages & Assigning To Personnel.

The assignment options of Document, NCR, and CAR workflows may be edited by Admin users via the Workflow Maintenance screen. Workflow maintenance may be accessed by navigating to Admin » Maintenance » Workflow Maint, or by clicking any one of the “Edit Workflow Assignment Options” links at the bottom of each workflow window for a Document, NCR, CAR, Lead, Opportunity, PQuote, etc. etc.


Editing workflow assignments deals with defining which of your users may be assigned to the Object, view it, make changes and approvals, make assignments to other personnel, and send it off to the next workflow state or states.

In the Workflow Maint screen, you will find each workflow state listed with options for who may be assigned to that particular state. For each workflow, you may define exactly which users and for which states you would like to make assignment an available option.

Note: workflow maintenance assumes that you have setup all Cetec ERP users for whom you are considering inclusion or exclusion from workflow states.


Cetec ERP contains a default workflow for how NCRs may be routed (i.e. what ‘steps’ or ‘states’ they take on) throughout the company. The default workflow states for NCRs are as follows: State 1 (Creation), State 2 (Review), State 3 (Escalation), State 4 (MRB), State 5 (Management), State 6 (Closure). The type of information collection required depends on which state you are in. For an explanation of each NCR workflow state, check out the user manual page for NCRs.

The NCR workflow is constructed to offer some flexibility for bypassing or returning to states at certain points - click here to view a map of the Cetec ERP NCR workflow structure.


Cetec ERP contains a default workflow for how CARs may be routed (i.e. what ‘steps’ or ‘states’ they take on) throughout the company. The default workflow states for CARs are as follows: State 1 (Creation), State 2 (Review), State 3 (Validation), State 4 (Closure). The type of information collection required depends on which state you are in. For an explanation of each CAR workflow state, check out the user manual page for CARs.

The CAR process workflow is constructed to be fairly straightforward. Click here to view a map of the Cetec ERP CAR workflow structure.


Cetec ERP contains a default workflow for how documents may be routed (i.e. what ‘steps’ or ‘states’ they go through) throughout the company. The default workflow states for documents are as follows: State 1 (Review), State 2 (Pending Approval), State 3 (Deleted), and State 4 (Approved).

  • State 1 (Review): Documents submitted by users without Admin privileges will be automatically placed in State 1 - Review. From here, the user may review the document and submit it for approval. To do so, select the status link (labeled ‘Pending’), mouse over the workflow window at the top right, and click “Submit for Approval”. This will send an automatic email to management alerting that a document is pending their approval.

  • State 2 (Pending Approval): During this state, documents submitted for approval reside in the ‘Docs Pending Approval’ section of Cetec ERP and await management approval. To approve a document, click on the link for the document in the ‘Docs Pending Approval’ page, mouse over the workflow window at the top right of the screen, and click “Approve”. This will set the status of your Document to “Active”, and route your document object to State 4 (Approved). The other workflow option is to send the document back to State 1 (Review), or to send the Document to State 3 (Deleted) and delete the document altogether.

  • State 3 (Deleted): Documents relegated to State 3 (Deleted) are essentially irretrievable. In other words, the only way you can see that a particular document is in State 3 (Deleted) is immediately after you have deleted it. Once you navigate away from the State 3 (Deleted) screen, you will not be able to return to it, because the document is deleted.

  • State 4 (Approved): Documents in the State 4 (Approved) portion of the workflow are given a status of “Active” and remain current and visible in the system.

Note that your interaction with the workflow depends on which user role you’ve been assigned (either ‘Admin’ or ‘None’). For instance, for users without ‘admin’ privileges, documents uploaded to Cetec ERP are automatically assigned to State 1 (Review). For users with admin privileges, all documents uploaded will bypass the workflow process and go straight in as “approved”. For a full description of user roles and restrictions in Cetec ERP, click here.

The default workflow for document control is fairly straightforward. Click here to view a map of the Cetec ERP document workflow structure.


To customize a Cetec ERP business object workflow (e.g. stage routing for Lead funnels, NCR, CAR, Documents, Opportunity, PQuote, Quote, etc.) head to the Admin panel for “WorkflowStages”.


Any workflow routing may be configured to automatically ‘nag’, that is, to notify a user by email, after a specified amount of time has passed in a workflow state assigned to that user. To do so, Admin users may check the ‘Enable Priority/Nag Alerts’ checkbox in any one of the workflow maintenance screens. This will let you set up escalation thresholds (i.e. number of minutes in a workflow state before sending a nag/notifier) and escalation assignments (i.e. which user to send the nag/notifier to). These configurations will determine which user is emailed, and after how long in a particular workflow state, and how on what frequency to continually nag that user to update the workflow.


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