Cetec ERP is a stable, powerful, and actively developed platform.

Many developments are released free of extra charge based on the SAAS (Software as a Service) model.

So how does Cetec ERP prioritize developmental requests? There are a few guiding principles:

  1. We ask questions such as, “Is this integral to the product?”, “How many customers would this feature benefit?”, and “Does capacity allow for this development” If we answer “yes” to these questions…
  2. We ask, “Has any other customer expressed the same or similar need?”

When a customer comes to us with a development request that the developers approve we log it to the development queue first. Once a month, the management team will gather to have a development meeting wherein they decide on the target date for each development request.

In deciding priority, the criteria we look for are

  1. How crucial the feature is - Sometimes a customer comes to us with a feature request that we can recognize as essential for some parts of the system.
  2. The number of requests received for a particular feature.

If there are requests that do not satisfy either of the criteria, then we will determine the target date based on the order it has been sent in.

If our customer wants to expedite this process, they can pay us for billable time to move the priority to the front of the lot.

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