The ProductionOnly user role (offered at a reduced rate of $25/user/month) was designed for shop floor workers performing repetitive work. For example, imagine a shop floor of several hundred workers performing repetitive work. The only functions a ProductionOnly user is allowed to do are:
- Scanning and/or looking up a work order;
- Viewing the work order work instructions;
- Viewing basic work order data (e.g. customer, part number, quantity due, due dates, etc.)
- Viewing basic work order documents (e.g. traveler, drawings, etc.)
- Updating work order status
- Clocking in/out of a work order
- Pick parts for the product
- Complete/receive the work order into finished goods
Some examples of what a ProductionOnly user may not do are (this list isn’t exhaustive):
- Perform inspections
- Manage the order specific BOM
- Split the work order into two different work orders
- Un-invoicing an invoice