This covers job tracking best practices for production supervisors in Cetec ERP.

The best report to utilize is the Production Order List, where you can search, filter, and get visibility to work orders quickly and easily.

  • To get to the Production Order list go to Production> Orders> Production Order List. Here are many different suggestions for how to filter the list to get the information you are looking for.
  • Choose a date type of ship date. Leave the from field blank so you can capture all past due orders. Enter the date that is four weeks out in the to field and select Open Build Orders in the Trans Code/Status field. These orders are the ones that the production team needs to start soon or the orders that are past due.
  • To find orders specific to work center go to the Production Line filter and select a location and click submit. The resulting orders are the work orders that have been assigned to your work center that you are responsible for.
  • To determine the status of all open work orders with a work start date of today or earlier (i.e. current orders), click on the Work Start Date column header. Cetec will sort by oldest to most recent work start date. To reverse the order, click the Work Start Date column header again. Compare the work start date of each order to todays date to find current orders.
  • Is the order OFF target? Ask yourself the following questions for each current order: 1. Have we started the initial preparatory production steps per the scheduled date? If no, then the order may be OFF target. 2. Have we completed initial prep steps and started actual production per the scheduled date? If no, then the order is OFF target. 3. For all jobs in progress, are we on track to meet the scheduled completion date for production AND the safety, quality and labor efficiency performance requirements? If no, then the order is OFF target. Otherwise, consider the work order to be ON target.
  • Another way to view all open work orders with a work start date of today or earlier (i.e. current orders) is to go to the date type field and select “Work Start Date.” Set the “(to)” date as today and scroll down and click submit.
  • To update an order, click into its order number to navigate to the workorder view screen. (A note on dates in Cetec: WIP / production start date = work start date and assembly completion date = ship date) We recommend that you track milestone progress on all current orders in Cetec ERP.
  • From this screen of the order, click into the “Comments” tab. Type milestone information into the Comments field as it occurs, then click the orange “Add” button. The comments will show below.
  • We also recommend that you regularly update the status on current orders. To do this, click into the “Order Info’’ tab on the workorder view screen. Next to the Production Status field, click Set. Another way to get to that same screen is to click on Set next to the On Target field. NOTE: Once an order is updated the first time as ON target, its not required to update Cetec ERP again unless its status changes.
  • But let’s say your order is OFF target. Deselect the On Target? checkbox. Go to the Status drop down box and select the reason the order is OFF target. In the Notes section, type Updated (todays date) and add the corrective action details.
  • Communicate the change in status by selecting the appropriate users. Be sure to click the check box Send Email Alert To Users. You can also send the email to any users with specific roles. If you select the Manager role it will send an email to anyone with the Manager role. To save your changes, be sure to click the orange Update button. To close this pop-up window, you can either click the X at the bottom right, or you can use the Close button or the Quick Close button that are next to the update button.
  • Now, if you click into Order Info, you can see your changes reflected next to the Production Status field. NOTE: OFF target orders need to be updated daily. If you’d like to view a list of all OFF target orders, go back to the Production Order List. To get there, click Orders, then click Production Order List. In the “On Target?” field, select No. Then choose your production line. Click Submit. This will allow you to only view a list of the OFF target orders assigned to your work center.


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