• Cross Part functionality is used to keep track of different names associated with a specific part. For instance, let us suppose that you have a part called RAW-Washer. One customer calls the part Cetec Washer, and some people tend to refer to it as Seton Washer. Using Part Crosses functionality, Cetec ERP will remember that #8 Washer, Cetec Washer, and Seton Washer all really refer to the same exact internal Prcpart and behave accordingly.

  • To use Part Crosses, navigate to a part screen via PARTS » View/Lists » List » [Target Part]. On the left side navigation menu, in the “MAINT” dropdown, you will see a link called Crosses. Click on it to be taken to the Part Crosses screen.

  • Once you are in the Part Crosses screen, you will see three basic, different kinds of cross references loaded in the Cetec ERP default database (you can define your own cross part types in Admin » Maintenance » Data Maintenance):
    • Customer Part - The name that your customer uses to refer to the part.
    • Manufacturer Part - The name that your manufacturer uses to refer to the part.
    • Part Synonym - The synonym for the part.
  • Under Cross Prcpart give the alternative name for the part, and under Cross Type drop-down menu select the cross type. You may also enter additional data for record. After data input is complete, clicking on Update will update Part Crosses.

  • If you want to look at a list of all Part Crosses entered into the system, navigate to PARTS » View/Lists » Cross Part List. This screen will tell you Cross Part name, the part as it is referred to in your system, Cross Type, and more. You can also search through Part Crosses by entering Cross Part name, Prcpart, and/or the Cross Type and clicking OK.

  • Once part crosses have been entered into the system, it can be accessed from relevant parts of Cetec ERP. For instance, if you add a Prcpart with a Customer Part # while filling out a quote, you can move to Cust Part # field and select the relevant Customer Part # for reference. For vendor part numbers, you can assign vendors to a vendor part in order to auto-populate vendor part numbers when issuing a vendor purchase order.


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