Follow these steps to enable portal access for your customer. It’s easy!

Create Portal Account

  • Navigate to the customer record in Cetec ERP. Go to SALES » Customers » Customer List, or use the Customer search shortcut in the top navigation bar of the Cetec ERP interface.

  • On the main customer view, scroll down to the list of customer contacts.

  • Hover your mouse over the far right column on each customer contact record to display three buttons: Edit, Delete, and Portal. Click the Portal Button and enter a username and password for your new portal user.

Configure Portal User Access & Portal Experience

  • All customer portal accounts created can be managed via the portal user list in the ‘Portal Mgmt’ window. To access ‘Portal Mgmt’, navigate to Admin » Portal Mgmt.

  • On the Portal Mgmt screen, set up the global “bulletin board” welcome message that will display on the Homepage of the customer portal for all customers that access and view your system portal. A simple welcome message like “Welcome to the (your company) Portal!”, and also potentially customer-facing instructions on portal usage/benefits, is recommended for the bulletin board content.

  • Next, configure individual access controls (i.e. “Portal User Roles”) for the individual customer portal users. Click the ‘Edit Portal User __’ link to open up the portal user configuration screen. Assign them the user roles corresponding to the areas of data you want them to have access to in the Portal. Portal user roles include:
    • Invoices
    • Quotes
    • Orders
    • A/R Statements
    • ALL
  • Make sure the portal users’ contact information is accurate, set the portal username and password credentials you want to provide to the customer to enable them to login to the portal.

  • Send your customer this Welcome Template & Tutorial outlining the simple steps to login and begin taking advantage of the portal. We recommend creating your own professional email template and/or PDF you can use and reuse to communicate with customers on how to login and take advantage of the portal.

Your Cetec ERP system and the customer portal interface

  • The portal lets your customer view and report on all of their open Quotes and Quote lines that exist in your Cetec ERP system. What exactly can the customer see?
    • Customer can only see Quotes in the ‘Pending’ status. These would be quotes that you have generated for the customer and explicitly set to the ‘Pending’ status. This way, customers don’t see quotes you’re still drafting and haven’t finalized for review.
    • To set a quote to ‘Pending’, edit the quote header and find the ‘Status’ field; toggle from ‘Open’ to pending.
  • The portal lets your customer submit RFQs, which automatically generate quotes in your Cetec ERP system.

  • Customers may view all of their open orders and their respective current due dates, order statuses, and more.
    • By default, we do not display the ‘actual’ work order status to the customer portal in order to protect the sensitivity of your information on orders. Instead, you can set a “customer-facing order status” that will present to the customer as the actual order’s status (this feature is coming soon!)
  • Customers may also view and report on all their open or historical invoices, shipments, tracking numbers, packing slips, A/R Statements, and more.


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