Cetec ERP allows users who are logged into a work order to batch multiple work orders into the same time segment. If you would like to use this feature, first speak with your system admin to be sure that this feature covers your time tracking and production requirements.

If so, you must first turn on a configuration setting to use this feature. To do so, click Admin, then click Config Settings, then Config Settings. Search for the config setting called “allow batch work order segments.” In order to use it, you must enter a value of 1 and Click Set. Now that this feature is turned on, you can batch multiple work orders onto the same time segment.

Navigate to an open work order. Click the Start Work button to track time spent on the job. After choosing the appropriate work location, go to the field called Batch Work Order Add and start typing in and selecting the orders you want to include in this timestamp. This feature is useful if you are putting multiple orders into the same oven or the same machine at once, and needing to log multiple work orders at the same time.

After batch adding the orders, one option is to go down to the “Add Time & Close At Once” section to add all of the time at once. In this option, youll add the total “passive time” (in this example, it’s one hour) to see how the time divides among all of the work orders.

You can then go to the View Work report to see all time spent on jobs across the entire production floor. To get there, click Production, then Mgmt, then View Work. Listed at the top of the report, you’ll see all of the jobs you just batch added. Notice the Passive Time columns. (Passive Start, Passive Stop, Passive Time in minutes, and Passive Time in hours). Passive time represents the total amount of time spent across all of the jobs in the batch you added. Since you just put four units in a machine for one hour, your passive time is one hour.

But per unit, that’s actually 15 minutes of job costs. So the “Time Spent” columns, showing in both minutes and hours, will show the actual time spent per job.

But what if there’s a mistake? What happens if you accidentally added an order in the batch that shouldn’t have been? You have the ability to delete timestamps and Cetec ERP will automatically recalculate the actual time spent across each order.

To delete one of the orders in the batch you added, click into that work order from the View Work report. Once in that work order, click on the History tab. There youll see each individual timestamp for time logged on the work order. Go to the time you just logged as part of the batch work, and click the blue Delete link on the right side of that line.

If you then go back to the View Work report and refresh the page (click ctrl + r), you’ll see that that work order has been removed. Its timestamp is no longer there. Notice also that the passive time for the batch remains the same, but the time spent per unit has changed. The division is now done across one less work order because one of them was removed.

If you’d like to edit the time spent on the batch (maybe it was actually supposed to go two hours instead of one), you can edit the Passive Start and Passive Stop text fields. Notice that only the top work order of the batch is available for editing. Changing the passive start or stop time for that top order will cause the start/stop time to recalculate on all orders from that batch.

What does it look like when a batch of jobs has active work? To see this, go to a work order and click Start Work. On the Start Work pop-up window, be sure the work location is correct. Then enter all of the work orders in your batch. Lastly, click Start Work to create open time segments that will be tracked in real time.

Notice that now there is a notification at the top of the work order screen indicating active work in all of the work orders from your batch. That notification contains links to each of the orders. Click into one and go down to the Active Time section. Note that in the “Batch” column, it says “Yes,” indicating that this active work is part of a batch of jobs.

If you click Stop Work on any of the jobs, it will stop work on the other jobs in the batch as well. So, click Stop Work and notice that the active work listed at the top for all of the batched orders disappears. If you click into any of the work orders that were included in the batch, you’ll also see that the Active Time section now indicates “No Active Work.”


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