In version 4.18 we now allow you to batch print receipts. Heres a how-to guide on the two options that you have related to this new feature!
- Option 1 Batch Printing Receipts From The Receipt List Report:
- Head to the Receipt List Report (Purchasing> Receipts> Receipt list)
- Filter the receipt list to populate the receipts you want and hit Submit.
- Scroll to the right of the report and locate the Batch Print column. If you cant see it make sure its set to show under your +/- columns.
- Select the Batch Print checkbox for the receipts you want to print.
- Once selected, click the orange Batch Print button to print out the labels!
- Option 2 - Batch Printing Multi-Line Receipts During Receiving:
- Head to the receiving screen (Warehouse> Receiving> Receive parts)
- NOTE: if you dont see the blue Receive All Lines? Button youll need to turn on Receiving - Enable Multi-Line Receipt in config settings.
- Input the PO number youre wanting to receive into your system.
- Click Receive All Lines? and fill out the fields that you need.
- Hit the orange Receive button to process all lines of the PO at once.
- Once all lines have been received scroll down and to the right of the Reset / Receive Next button youll see the Print Batch Label hyperlink.
- Click that and youll batch print the labels for all of the lines youve received in!