Cetec ERP allows you to attach prepayments to your customer Quotes or Sales Orders. Prepayments can be applied to the entire order or each individual line.

  • You can prepay on a quote or an order depending on when in the process you normally enter prepayments. Both the quote and the order have prepay buttons on the left hand menu. Clicking that button will bring you to the prepay screen.
  • The prepay screen is a pop up window. You can enter the prepayment details there. The required fields are prepayment amount, payment method and deposit. There are multiple other fields but they are optional. Write off charges, apply unapplied cash, and apply credit memos, reference number, and GL account number are all optional.
  • At this point, you have 2 options. You can either apply the prepayment to the entire order or decide to apply the amount to each line.
  • To apply it to the whole order just enter a prepayment amount in the New Prepayment amount field and dont modify the lines at all. If you apply the prepayment to the entire order, then each shipment/invoice on the order will consume the prepayment as much as there is available on the prepayment amount.
    • For example, take an order with 10 lines, $100 resale/line with a $500 prepayment. If you apply the $500 to the entire order, and you ship 3 lines, then $300 of the prepayment will automatically apply to that shipment, and youll have $200 left on the prepayment amount. Ship 3 more lines and the prepayment amount of $200 is now applied to that shipment and the invoice the customer will state $100.
  • To apply the prepayment to each line you will have to turn on the config setting Allow Line Prepayment. Once you’ve done that scroll down and youll see each line as well as a text box next to each line. You can enter the amount into each line (based on the prepayment amount), or you can enter a percentage amount in the field titled Prepay Lines. Doing so will auto-populate all lines respectively based on the prepayment percentage. In applying the prepayment to each line, each invoice/shipment will include equitable prepayment.
    • For example, take an order with 10 lines, $100 resale/line with a $500 prepayment. If you apply $50 to each line ($500 prepayment in total) and you ship 3 lines, then $150 of the prepayment will automatically apply to that shipment, the customer will owe you $150 and youll have $350 left on the prepayment amount. Ship 3 more lines and again $150 is applied to the next shipment and the invoice to the customer will state $150.
  • Note, when applying prepayments to each line, youre not allowed to apply more than the extended resale on that line. Finally, you cant apply more to all lines in total than stated in the new prepayment amount field (see pic 1). If your prepayment amount is $500, then your line total cannot be $600.
  • Once you have applied the prepayment to the line or the order you can pick parts and invoice. Once you have invoiced it will apply to either the whole order or to each line.


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