An NCR, or Non-Conformance Report, is a report of any issues or non-conformances within an organization that needs to be addressed with a centralized, auditable document that captures the details of the issue, assesses the root cause, and determines if escalation is required.

How do you create an NCR in Cetec ERP?

  • Go to Admin> Maintenance> Data Maintenance.
  • Search for “NCR” by typing in the search and then clicking Submit.
  • Click into the NCRType data maintenance table.
  • You can choose to delete types by clicking the Delete checkbox on the right and then clicking Submit.
  • Or you can add types by clicking the blue Add Record button and then typing in your information.
  • Type in a description and fill out any other relevant fields.
  • To confirm your changes, click Submit.
  • You can also get to this data maintenance table from the NCR screen.
  • Go to Production> Quality> NCR list.
  • To get to the data maintenance table we were just on, you have a link in the header.
  • An NCR is an active, controlled document routed along multiple personnel, evolving and growing in detail along the way.
  • Let’s go into an NCR and take a look.
  • On the NCR screen you can go to the view screen by clicking View NCR.
  • If you click into Documents you can see a list of documents that are associated with an NCR.
  • You can also add new ones which will then show up in the list of documents.
  • To add a note to this NCR, click notes and then Add note.
  • Finally, to track the movement of the NCR through the various departments and assignments in your workflow, click History.
  • Go back to the view screen. Set the NCR back to the Creation workflow stage. What data gets entered in this stage?
  • To start with, set the NCR type and give it a title.
  • Designate the Prcpart and quantity, choose the vendor, and attach images.
  • Under non-conformance details you can log any additional information specific to the non-conformance.
  • In the Containment field, log details on the scope and containment of the non-conformance.
  • Containment is the act of locating and quarantining material that may have been affected by the non-conformance.
  • Containment information must be logged and tracked.
  • To designate this NCR as critical, check the critical check box. When an NCR is marked as critical a red box will show up at the top of the NCR and will show up for all users.
  • To save all of your changes, click Update.
  • At the bottom of the screen you can download the NCR as a zip file or a PDF, print it out, or delete it.
  • Now, let’s look at the workflow menu.
  • You can click the link in the workflow called Edit Workflow Assignment Options to edit which users and roles can be assigned to each workflow state.
  • As an example, to designate users and roles as possible assignees for the Review workflow state, you’d scroll down to “State: Review” and then select the first user you want.
  • To select more than one user, hold down the “ctrl” button on your keyboard while clicking the name(s) of any additional user(s).
  • You can also select roles. By clicking Admin, you’re telling Cetec that any user who has the Admin role can be assigned to the Review state.
  • Save changes by clicking Submit.
  • Back on the NCR view screen, refresh the page to apply any changes made to the workflow. Now you’re ready to move this NCR from the Creation state to the Review state.
  • Click into the workflow, found at the top right of the screen.
  • Next to Send to Review, choose your assignee.
  • You can see the workflow choices you just made reflected here in the drop-down menu.
  • Select your assignee, then click Send To Review.
  • The NCR has been moved from the Creation state to the Review state.
  • You can see the current workflow state and assignee in the top right of the NCR view screen.
  • Now that you’re in the Review state, it’s time to choose the disposition, or course of action, for the NCR.
  • To add or edit your disposition options, click here.
  • That link will take you to the NCR Disposition data maintenance table.
  • As with the other data maintenance table we looked at, to delete an NCR disposition, click the Delete checkbox to the right of it and then click Submit.
  • To add a disposition, click Add Record, type in the description, mark it as Active, and click Submit.
  • Another way to get to the NCR Disposition data maintenance table is by clicking on Admin> Maintenance> Data Maintenance and clicking into NCRDisposition.
  • Go back to the NCR that you were working on before and enter review comments and click update.
  • Move the NCR to the next stage. For example, move it from Review to Escalation by assigning it to a user within that workflow stage.
  • The new workflow state and assigned user are shown in the right hand corner on the NCR.


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