Order creation starts with a quote - think of this as an order entry worksheet.

  • You can create a quote two ways.
  • Go to the quote list and click create or go to Sales> Quotes> New Quote.
  • To add a customer to your quote click the pencil icon and type a customer into the customer box.
  • Be sure to add a customer PO number as this is a required field and click ok to save your changes.
  • Next enter part info. You can do this by either clicking the add line button underneath the header or using the quick add line in the middle of the screen.
  • Type in the desired part number in the part column on either option..
  • If you want Cetec to auto-populate a work start date, leave the Work Start Date field blank and select a Ship Date and then enter the quantity.
  • Make sure the unit cost and unit resale are set the way you want them. If you want more information about costing and pricing, click the ā€œiā€ icon next to Unit Cost or Unit Resale.
  • Enter the lead time (in weeks).
  • Choose the transaction code. You can choose to designate this as either a Charge, Build, or Stock order and click ok.
  • If you need to delete a line on your order, click on the red X on the right hand side of the line and then scroll down and hit the delete button.
  • To convert a quote to an order go to the commit order screen which is in the left hand navigation or click the commit order letters in the header of the quote.
  • If you have subassemblies make your desired selections for how Cetec will handle these and then hit Commit to Order.
  • After committing the quote to an order, you can click the Quote link in the left hand navigation of the order to refer back to it.


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