Forecasts (sales forecasts) allow you to see the demand necessary for a job without having to enter an order.

  • To be able to see forecasts you have to first turn on the Show Forecasts config setting. Navigate to Admin> Config Settings> and search Show Forecasts. Set that config setting to 1. You will need to log out and log back in for forecasts to be activated.
  • To navigate to forecasts go to Sales> Forecasts> Forecast list. This is where you can see existing forecasts and create new ones. You can click the create button on the right hand side and it will prompt you to enter a customer then you can click Add Forecast.
  • Once you are on the forecast screen there are a few things to fill out. You will need a part, qty, trans code, and revision for the part. You may also want to enter a name for your forecast and select a warehouse location.
  • Youll then select one of these options, depending on how you want that forecast to drive forecasting:
    • Stock: this will only show demand for the top level part
    • Build: this will show demand for the first level of components
    • Recursive BOM: If you select build, you can select the recursive BOM checkbox. This will drive demand for all of the subassemblies and their components all the way down for the BOM
  • Another way (and most common way) to enter forecasts is to import them. The import button is in the left hand corner of the forecast list. There is also an import screen under the forecast dropdown. Common (best) practice is to regularly upload a forecast for a customer, deleting the previous one when you do, so that the system always has the most up to date data.
  • When importing a forecast you will need to set up a spreadsheet with these columns Name, Prcpart, Custpart, Quantity, Due_Date, Resale, BOM, Recursive BOM, Revision. All of those columns arent required but those are the only valid columns. You will select a customer on the import page and then select a file. That will import all of those forecasts under that customers name. Once youve selected the file you will click the import file button. Youll be taken to the file screen where you will want to match the column dropdowns at the top of the page to the names of your columns. Then click update and then click finish. This will have imported the forecasts and you can view them on the forecast list.
  • After you have entered a forecast you will need to go to MRP. Go to Purchasing> MRP> MRP all. On the MRP page you will see a check box that says Include Forecasts in Next Allocation Run? You will check that box and the next time allocation is run it will include any forecasts that you have made. Then forecasts will show up on the MRP list and the part waterfall. This is how you will be able to see potential demand with forecasts. NOTE: you can configure Cetec to always include forecasts in allocation (and MRP)


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