Is your bank asking for an ACH NACHA file, exported from the Cetec ERP system? To achieve this in the Cetec ERP cloud manufacturing platform, you can follow these steps to set up and test your NACHA setup:

  • Enable / Configure NACHA
    • The configuration setting you need is called enable_nacha
    • Enabling this configuration setting creates a payment type called nacha ach
  • Open the Check Register and click the NACHA Export button - this step is simply to process the new config setting
  • Go back to your config settings, search nacha, and fill in these configuration settings: nacha_company_identification, nacha_immediate_origin, nacha_immediate_destination_name, and nacha_immediate_destination.
  • Set up a Vendor record with all three required fields - Bank Name, Bank Account #, and Bank Routing #.
  • Now youre ready to run a final test before you begin active use!
  • Run the Voucher list.
  • Select the vouchers for the Vendor that you have set up with the necessary banking information.
  • Create a payment for the voucher(s), and select payment type nacha ach.
  • Verify the new AP Payments and linked vouchers.
  • Go to the Check Register, then set the Payment Type filter to nacha ach and the Status filter to All. Click Submit after your filters are set.
  • In the Print column, select the vouchers to include, then click NACHA Export.
  • The exported file will be generated in your My Documents page, which can be found under the sandwich menu in the top right of the Cetec screen.
  • The file that you use to test needs to be prefixed with TEST-. The format should be as follows: TEST-NACHA-yyyy-mm-ddspecialcodetext. You will need to manually adjust the test file name for NACHA testing after you download.
  • Login to your bank, and find the test upload for NACHA.
  • Take note of any errors, and if needed review your config settings and Vendor data. If the test passes, you are prepared to proceed with a real NACHA ACH payment. If the test fails, please reach out to the Cetec ERP support staff right away, so that they can connect you with the engineering team.


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