In order to employ purchasing best practices, how can you flag a purchase order in Cetec ERP as being acknowledged, or confirmed, by the vendor?

First, you’ll navigate to the Purchasing module, open up POs, and choose Purchase Order List. Search for the PO you want to mark as acknowledged/confirmed by the vendor. Click Submit to run the report.

Click into the PO. Go to the left side of the screen and click into the Acknowledge tab. When a PO is acknowledged, or confirmed, by a vendor, meaning that they received your PO, you’ll want to switch the PO Acknowledged drop-down to “Acknowledged.”

In the comments section, you can add any comments that you deem necessary or copy comments from the acknowledgment from the vendor. By way of example, this is a good place to record a delivery date that is being pushed out.

You also have several options for recording tracking numbers:

  • You can add tracking numbers to all lines,
  • add them to all lines needing tracking numbers, or
  • add them to a specific PO line.

Type in the tracking number, or, for multiple numbers, type them and separate them by commas. Click Add. To save all of your changes on this screen, click OK. In order to ensure accurate data entry, Cetec will prompt you to confirm the tracking number(s) you added or delete and re-enter that data if there was a typo.

To use Cetec ERP to search for acknowledged POs, click Purchasing, then POs, then Purchase Order List. Click on More Options to show the full list of report filters. To filter the report to show only acknowledged purchase orders, go to the “Acknowledged?” filter and select Yes. Then, click Submit to run the report. You can use your list of acknowledged POs to confirm vendor relations and dock dates.


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