Please NOTE! - you can always accommodate multi-level BOM production fulfillment by fulfilling the subassembly orders separately on internal work orders, whose stock levels are maintained by Re-Order Points. Contact Cetec ERP expert support for advice on how to best model multi-level BOMs, subassembly production, overbuilding, phantom BOMs, and more.

Multilevel BOMs are hierarchical bills of materials, i.e. sub-assemblies within top-level assemblies. Cetec ERP is able to keep track of multi-level BOMs throughout the order fulfillment process. To start the Multilevel BOM Order process, navigate to SALES Quotes New Quote.

Multilevel BOM Order follows the standard order entry process. Once a new quote is created, fill out the header (making sure that the required fields are filled out) and add the quote lines. The most important thing to note when creating a Multilevel BOM Order is to select Build for its Transaction Code. After selecting the transaction code and filling out other fields click OK to add the line.

After all lines have been entered and quote is ready to be converted into an order, click on Convert to Order link from the left-side nav. This will take you to the Convert Order screen. For Multilevel BOMs, all the sub-assemblies that make up the top-level assembly will show up on this screen. Leveraging this feature, you can create all the necessary internal orders and purchase orders for the sub-assemblies without leaving the Convert To Order screen for the top-level assembly. Notice the pull-down menu under the column labeled Build? Your answer will determine whether appropriate internal orders and purchase orders are created. If you have selected Yes fill out the internal customer and vendor for which the order and purchase order would be created.

Depending on the data input/missing, order type, and more, this screen could also contain warnings, notifications, prompt for sub-assembly orders, etc. Once everything is ready, click on Place Order and your order will be created.

After Quote to Order Conversion, Cetec ERP will take you immediately to the sales order view screen for that order. A pop-up message will indicate what orders have been created near the top-right of the screen. The sub-assembly orders that have been created will be also linked near the bottom of the left side-nav, in addition to being found within the Related Orders report. Using the sales order view, you may view order details, link back to the quote the order originated from, and move forward to order fulfillment.

To complete the top-level order, you first need to build and complete the subassemblies involved. To do so, navigate to the sub orders by clicking on the Sub Order ___ toward the bottom left of the side-nav, or by clicking on the Related Orders link on the left side-nav. You will need to process those suborders like you would any other order: by pulling stock, assembling or processing materials, and invoicing to relieve stock, build cost into finished goods, and receive finished good into distinct material that you now own.

The Related Orders report is a great tool to view the dependencies (i.e. sub order dependencies) involved in a complex multi-level assembly build process. Any phantom BOM assemblies ought to be ignored from the transaction/fulfillment process.

Once you have built and completed the suborders, those subassemblies now exist as distinct finished goods stock in your warehouse, and are thus available to be pulled into your top-level assembly order. To release the top-levl order to the warehouse for fulfillment, select Release To Warehouse from the left side-nav. To go directly to the Production View, click on the order line ID or the link to it under the Production View + from the left side-nav.

When you have processed all the sub-assembly orders and also processed the top-level order, you can invoice and close the top-level BOM Order. To do so, navigate to the Invoice/Ship screen from the sales order view. Before clicking on Create Invoice, enter the exact amount of top-level finished goods to be shipped under the Ship Qty column. Click Update, print out your packing documents, and click Create Invoice to register the invoice to your accounting module, close the order, bill your customer, etc.


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