Sometimes you need to hide resale and cost from a user. There is a simple process to do this

  • In order to hide resale or cost from a user you will need to create a role Hide Resale or Hide Cost. Start by navigating to Admin, Maintenance, Data Maintenance and click into the data type, Role.
  • From this page, click Add Row and enter Hide Resale or Hide Cost in the Name field of the role. After clicking submit to save, the role will be available to be added to a user.
  • To add the new role(s), navigate to the Admin module and select the User tab to access the User List. Search for the user you would like to add the role to and click Edit next to their name.
  • On the users edit page scroll down to the Role section to add the Hide Resale or Hide Cost role. Note: Hold the ctrl / command button on your keyboard to select multiple roles.
  • When all the roles are selected hit the Submit button to save the changes. The users visibility for Resale and/or Cost will now be blocked in Cetec ERP.


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