You may need to enter a lot of vouchers manually but you can import them instead.

  • Navigate to Accounting> A/P> Voucher Import. You will see the required fields at the bottom of the import page. Choose your file and click import.
  • The import screen will tell you required fields and optional fields to format your file - these will be your column headers. Csv or xls are accepted file formats.The required fields are Invoice Number, (Vendor Key(vendor external key) or Valid Vendor Name), and GL Account Number. If you are wanting to import multiple splits for one voucher you will need an External Key column. Make a spreadsheet with all of those columns. To say which splits are for the same voucher put the same number for the external key next to those columns.
  • Once you have gotten to the import screen you will see an area that lets you choose a vendor. This will be the vendor the vouchers are put under. Make sure to match all of the columns by clicking into the identify column drop down and matching the name of the column to the name in the drop down.
  • Once you have matched the columns, uncheck the first column with the column names and then click update. Once youve clicked update, double check all of the info and then click finish. You should see a green success message for any vouchers you have imported. Note: If you imported splits into an existing voucher it will show 0 vouchers imported but you can go to that voucher and it will have the splits you imported.


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