How do you manage an open purchasing quote or purchase order in Cetec ERP (make changes, convert a pquote to a PO, receive product, etc.)? Let’s walk through the process together.

Edit a PQuote

Let’s say you have a purchasing quote already created. To get to it, click Purchasing, then pquotes, then pquote List. Click Submit to run the list and then click into the blue link for your pquote’s number.

To edit any header information, click the pencil icon in the top left of the header area. To see the full list of header fields, click More Options. To save your changes, click the orange OK button.

To edit a line on the pquote, click the pencil icon on the line. As with the header, you can click More Options here to see the full list of fields. Click OK to save changes.

You can easily add additional lines to the pquote. Go to the bottom of the pquote and fill in the blank fields. Then click Add.

To delete a line, click the red X on the right side of the line and then click the orange Delete button at the bottom right of the pquote.

Send an RFQ (Send the PQuote to a Vendor)

You have a couple of options when it’s time to send your pquote to a vendor: click the word “Quick” next to “PDF/Export” in the left side menu if you want to quickly download a pre-filled pdf of your pquote.

Or, to customize the pdf before sending, click PDF/Export. By default, the pdf is generated using your last settings but you have the option to customize the fields. Check and uncheck the fields as desired and then click Set Columns. Once you’re happy with the layout of your pquote pdf, you can download it, email it, or export it in CSV format.

If you choose Email PDF, you’ll have the option to attach extra documents. (For a document to be available to add as an attachment on your email, it must have first been uploaded in the Documents link over in the left side menu.) You can edit the email’s body text. Click Send to send the email, which will have your pquote pdf attached, as well as any extra documents you’ve checked in the Attach Extra Documents list. When you’re done sending your email, click View on the left to return to the main pquote page.

Convert the PQuote to a PO

Once you’re ready to convert your purchasing quote to a purchase order, go to the left and click Convert to PO. Then click Place Purchase Order.

Receive a PO Line

When the vendor’s products arrive at your warehouse, return to the PO screen and click Receive. Alternatively, you can navigate to the Receive Parts screen from anywhere else in Cetec ERP by clicking Warehouse, then Receiving, then Receive Parts.

Once on the receiving screen, enter the PO and PO line at the top (if you arrived at this screen by clicking the blue Receive link on a PO line, these fields will auto-populate for you). Enter any additional receiving information.

For quality assurance, you can complete a receiving inspection on the Receive Parts screen by filling in the quantity accepted and quantity rejected fields. If any items are rejected, Cetec will automatically generate an NCR (non-conformance report) when the parts are received.

Once all receiving information has been filled in, click Receive. Cetec will create a receipt, receipt label, serial labels, and an inspection document (if a receiving inspection was performed). Click into a link to view the document.

Unless you manually close it, your PO will remain open until all lines on the PO have been received.


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