Cetec ERP allows for enhanced A/P invoice tracking in which freight and tax amounts are listed individually on the PO (purchase order) invoice. Alternatively, PO freight and tax charges can be lumped into the POs receipt material cost, i.e. landed cost.

If you prefer the second option, youll need to make sure the landed cost option appears on the receiving screen by turning on the configuration setting “Receiving - Enable Landed Cost.”

To turn on this setting, click into Admin, then Config Settings, then Config Settings. Search for the configuration setting “Receiving - Enable Landed Cost.” To turn on this config setting, enter 1 in the Value field and then click Set. Landed cost will now show up when you are receiving against a PO.

To see it in action, navigate to a PO. Choose the line you’re going to receive and click the blue Receive link. Since you’ve turned on the config setting that enables landed cost calculations, you’ll see a Landed Cost button on the receiving screen. Click that button, and an editable table of tax and freight costs will appear.

If tax is already being calculated on the PO line youre receiving, its extended cost will auto-populate in the landed cost table. To override the default tax amount, click the “Override?” button and enter the new extended cost amount for tax on this PO line. Next, enter the extended freight cost for this PO line.

Over on the right, you can see that Cetec is using the values you entered to calculate the actual cost per unit on this PO line, after tax and freight have been included. There is a button to Hide Landed Cost on the receiving screen if you so choose.

When you receive the PO line and click into the PO line receipt, Cetec ERP lays out the unit cost breakdowns, including base cost, freight cost, and tax cost. Using these values, you are able to see the actual per-unit landed cost for parts on this receipt.


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