One area in which Cetec ERP can significantly improve your processes is that of document management. Using Cetec ERP, you can attach documents to a specific part and those documents will follow that part throughout the entire order process.

To attach documents to a part, navigate to the part record. (If you know the parts name, the quickest way to get there is to use the global search field in the top right of the screen.) Once on the part record, go to the left side menu / left hand nav and click the Documents link.

To upload a document, click the Browse button. You can add tags to your document. You can also choose where to attach the document. Once you’ve set the document up the way you want it, click Upload.

If the document you attached is an image and you used the default setting for where to attach it, you can click the View link on the left to go to the main part screen, and you’ll see that the image has been added in the Tech Description field for handy reference.

Back on the Documents page, you have the option to move your document to a different place. If you move it to the Part Revision or to the BOM header, the document will show up in a new section with the corresponding title.

Now that youve added a document to the part record, any time that part is used on a quote, youll be able to access your document at each stage of the order process (quote, work order, invoice) using the Documents link in the left side menu.

Note that part-specific documents do not show up on the Documents link of an orders sales order view _(found by clicking View in the left side menu), since one order can contain many parts/lines and this could make the Documents screen hard to navigate. However, part-specific documents _do show up on the Documents page of the work order view (Workorder View + in the left side menu) since each work order is associated with just one part/one line of the order.

Using Cetec ERP’s built-in document management tools, you can easily keep track of part-related documents and provide visibility to employees working across the order process.


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