Work order management (e.g. labor estimation, part routing, labor tracking, etc.) requires some initial data admin work to reflect the actual production setup of your shop floor. To access data maintenance, navigate to Admin Data Maintenance. Here you will find a list of all tables of data that we allow Cetec Admin users to configure on their own.

To define and maintain all available work locations on your shop floor (i.e. any work location that could potentially be on a part router), select OrdlineStatus from the Data Maintenance screen.

Each row in the OrdlineStatus table represents a distinct work location (i.e. machines or assembly stations) on your shop floor. You can add, edit, or delete work locations, and provide each with names or descriptions, build orders, work location grouping schemes, labor rates / burden rates, general ledger account mapping, and capacity inputs. For help understanding how to administer shop floor setup data, hover over the blue i icons for an explanation of each field in the table.

To add a work location, scroll to the bottom of the OrdlineStatus screen, select the Add Record checkbox, and click submit. Then, fill out the relevant fields for your new work location, and click Submit to update the table.

Estimating labor requires definition of all potential build operations that may be performed across any and all work locations in your shop floor, and assigning each of those build operations an average run time in seconds. To define this data, navigate to Admin Data Maintenance BuildOperations. The same steps for adding and updating fields in every other Data Maintenance table (e.g. outlined in OrdlineStatus steps above) apply here as well.

The shop floor data you define in OrdlineStatus and BuildOperations will be leveraged in BOM management and Work Order management. For instance, when you are defining the production steps for a job or BOM, the BOM will display several different work locations you can define as its router. At any of the work locations, you can assign the appropriate Build Operations to it in order to estimate the labor that will occur at those work locations. When it comes time to build that BOM, the BOM is built according to these steps (i.e. the work locations defined for that BOM) to fulfill the order in production.


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