This is how to pay a bill and print a check in Cetec ERP:

  • First step is to go into the Accounting module.
  • Click the A/P dropdown menu, and select the Add Voucher hyperlink.
  • This will bring you to the newly created voucher screen, youll need to do the following:
    • Input your vendor invoice number, select the vendor youre wanting to pay, and the vendor requested dollar amount into the Vendor Requested field.
    • Make sure the Payment Type field is set to System Check!
  • Youll then scroll down to the Breakdown / Ledger Splits subsection of the voucher screen and click the blue Add Break button.
  • Specify the details of the ledger break that youre going to be adding to the voucher.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the voucher after inputting the details of your ledger break in, and select the blue New Payment hyperlink
  • Now select the vouchers that you want to pay by clicking the Include? Checkbox to the far right of each voucher.
  • Specify from which GL account you wish to make the payment from using the GL Account dropdown menu.
  • Click update to process that payment, and then follow this up by clicking the blue Mark as Paid button.
  • The screen will refresh, and in the header youll see a blue hyperlink named System Check #(x) which youll click on to take you to the check that was generated.
  • Once on the check screen, click the PDF hyperlink on the left hand navigation menu and print it out.


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