*Service only orders (i.e. pure jobs) do not drive production from a bill of material; indeed they involve no inventory whatsoever. Their role is to allow you to track production on a work order and link a charge (resale) on an invoice to a customer (no cost of goods sold is involved).

  1. Create a Quote

Navigate to SALES Quotes New Quote.

Click on the pencil icon to fill out the header information as usual. Press OK.

  1. Add a Quote Line

Click + Add Line.

 Fill out the input fields as usual. Make sure that Charge is selected for Transaction Code. Press OK. 

 After all lines are added and data added, click Convert To Order from the left side nav menu. 

 Click Place Order. Note: you can also use Build orders (instead of Charge) to drive pure service-level jobs. Just make sure the Allow BOM Zero Components configuration variable is turned on. 

Note: you can still track jobs with customer supplied material and drive production from a BOM like a normal work order. To do so, just receive components in (without a PO) at zero cost to reflect the acquisition of customer supplied material; this material will be relieved (at zero cost) upon shipment of the order to the customer to reflect the relief of customer supplied inventory.


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