There may come a time when a line on a purchase order (PO) is received into inventory by mistake. This mistake can be fixed by canceling the receipt for that PO line, which reopens the PO line.

**NOTE: You may not cancel a receipt if the inventory has been adjusted after having been received. In that case, the Cancel Receipt link will be greyed out and unavailable. **

To cancel a PO line receipt and thereby reopen the PO line, navigate to the receipt for that PO line:

  • If youre already on the screen for the PO in question, simply find the PO line you want and click into its receipt. Then click the Cancel Receipt link.
  • If youre starting on the Cetec ERP homepage, navigate to Purchasing, then POs, then the Purchase Order List. Filter the Purchase Order List report to show only PO lines that are currently closed. To do that, set the Status filter to Closed. Then set the View By filter to PO Lines. This lets you view the report by individual PO lines instead of one entire PO at a time. Run the report, find the PO line you want, and click into its receipt link. On the receipt screen, click that Cancel Receipt link on the left.

Once the receipt is canceled, the PO line is reopened and ready to be received again.

Reopening a PO vs. reopening a PO line:

Let’s say you’ve received all lines on a PO. Doing so automatically closes the PO as a whole, which is indicated at the top of the PO with the words “PO Header is Closed.” Next to that message, youll see a blue “Reopen PO” button. Reopening the PO as a whole will allow you to add lines to the PO, but it will not reopen individual lines on the PO. To reopen individual PO lines, follow the steps above.


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