• In order to reconcile a bank account, navigate to ACCOUNTING » Audit » Account Reconcile.
  • Click on the New Reconcile button.
  • Input the bank Statement Date, statement Ending Balance and select the Account you are reconciling. Click on the Create button. The Show All Transactions box is not checked so that only unreconciled transactions up through the statement date are present. Checks, Payments and manual credit transactions to this account will appear in the first grid of the screen. Prepayments, Deposits and all debit transactions will appear in the second grid.
  • Check boxes for items listed on the bank statement and manual entries. As you do, the Checks and Payments, Deposits, Cleared Balance and Difference values in the upper section of the screen will be populated.
  • At any time, you can click the Update button.
  • When finished, change the Status to Closed. A report of all Reconciled and Un-Reconciled items will be displayed.
  • Print a PDF of Reconciled and Un-Reconciled items.
  • Creation of a New Reconcile for this same Account will auto-populate the Beginning Balance with the Ending Balance from this reconcile.


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