To run your financial reports:

  • Navigate to Accounting> Reports and select any of the financial reports. These are the standard financial reports including Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, Statement of Cash Flows, Budgeting, and more.
  • You will set the filters according to the parameters of the data you need in your report. Typically, this means a date range, a location, cost centers, etc. Set the filters and click submit (this is an opportunity to Bookmark your report, since this is likely a regular function in your job). To see all of the search parameters, click More Options and to run the report, click Submit.
  • To get the data/report out of Cetec ERP, you can export the report into excel by clicking Export - be sure to review your +/- Columns to ensure you get the data you need. Many of the reports also include a Get PDF button for you to generate a PDF.


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