GL Transaction Mappings are the settings that help determine what accounts to debit and credit in a system-generated ledger entry. These are created by operational activity like receiving material, invoicing and shipping, and vouchers. Heres how you set up default G/L transaction mappings in Cetec ERP:

  • The first step is to click Admin> Config Settings> GL Transaction Mappings.
  • The system will list out every major transaction set possible within Cetec ERP.
  • Every operational transaction in Cetec ERP has a set of default mappings to determine which account (in your chart of accounts) is debited and which is credited.
  • The debit and credit entries are created in the general ledger in real time as operational transactions are processed.
  • To the right of each transaction set in the list, you will see either an “OK” or a “Fail.”
  • If you have modified any of the Cetec ERP default accounts to match your own chart of accounts, you have likely severed the default transaction mapping and will need to address that here.
  • Click into a transaction area where youll see each individual debit or credit transaction and the according suggested mapping. There will also be a dropdown menu listing every account in your chart of accounts you can set to override the default. To choose a new account, select from the drop down then click Set.
  • To make sure that the updated GL mapping works, click Back To All GL Transactions.
  • If the status indicates, “OK,” then you are able to successfully transact with the current GL mapping. If it says, “Failed,” something has gone wrong.


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