ISO and related certifications require that all shop tools be calibrated, maintained, and re-certified on a regular schedule for their particular engineering requirements. Cetec ERP employs a tooling maintenance module to automate the scheduling and logging of equipment.

To view a list of tools that are currently due or overdue for maintenance, navigate to Production, then Tools, then Tools Needing Maint. Here you can view a company-wide list of tooling maintenance data.

Now let’s navigate to our Tools List. Click Production, Tools, then Tool List. On the Tools List, you can view data such as tool manufacturers, work locations, and maintenance dates. Red indicates that the tool is already late for its scheduled maintenance and yellow means it’s within seven days of the deadline.

To add a new tool to the list, click the blue Add New Tool button. Fill out all relevant fields for the tool. Remember to schedule your first maintenance date in the Next Maintenance / Calibration Date field. Once you’re done filling out the form, go down to the bottom of the screen and press the Submit button. To get back to the Tool List, click the blue Back To All Tools link near the top of the screen.

From the Tools List screen, click into a tool using its Asset Number link on the left. Here in the tool record, you can log maintenance by clicking Perform Maintenance in the left side menu. Cetec ERP takes you to a form where you can enter maintenance notes and record the maintenance type, date, and results. Click View on the left to get back to the main tool record screen.

Using the left side menu, you can click into the Documents link to upload and view documents related to tool calibration, log notes related to the tool using the Notes link, or use the Edit link to keep the tool info up to date.

Now you have a good foundational knowledge of how to track tools and tool maintenance in Cetec ERP.


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