In Cetec ERP in-transit warehouses can be utilized on a warehouse transfer order.

  • To enter a warehouse transfer order, first click the pencil icon on the quote header and select an internal customer. Then click More Options at the bottom of the header, and mark the WH Transfer checkbox.
  • Next enter the parts and quantities you would like to include on the transfer as lines on the order.
  • On the Commit to Order screen, select the receiving warehouse location and the in-transit warehouse that will be used.
  • Once the transfer order is created, use the pick parts screen to select the material you would like to transfer.
  • After picking the material, navigate to the Complete and Receive screen, enter the Ship Qty and click the Complete and Receive button.
  • At this point the parts will be transferred into the in-transit warehouse and an open PO will be created automatically for final receiving location.
  • To complete the final transfer, the created PO can be received on the receiving screen as normal.


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