This How To will take you through flagging parts as NCNR and identifying when these parts are used on an order.

An NCNR (non-cancelable, non-returnable) flag can be set on part records so that orders can be flagged when they contain material or parts that cannot be canceled or returned to a vendor. Providing visibility on orders containing NCNR parts enables you to better communicate with customers when parts cannot be returned or canceled, helping to alleviate getting stuck with excess material.

  • In Cetec ERP navigate to the part you would like to set the NCNR flag on.
  • Next click the Edit tab to the left, scroll down to the Purchasing / Receiving Information section and mark the NCNR? checkbox. Click Update to save your change.

  • On a PQuote, highlighted text will appear beneath the part when entered on a line.
  • As NCNR parts are used as components on BOMs or sold from stock we can see this flagged on the Quote/Order. Lets take a look.

  • Open a new quote and add a line with a build transaction code for a BOM that uses an NCNR component part or a stock transaction code line for an NCNR part. Click the pencil icon on the line, more options and notice that NCNR? displays Yes (defaulted by Part).

  • Taking a step back we can use the Production Order List under the Production module under Orders to locate orders that contain NCNR parts.
  • On the Production Order List set the NCNR filter to Yes with your other desired filters and run the report. A list will be generated with all orders that contain NCNR parts.

  • From the Production Order List you can click into a specific workorder and view the parts tab where you can see the parts flagged with NCNR.


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