Workflow nag alerts are a great tool for priority task management and can be enabled by any Admin user. If you would like to enable nag alerts that automatically email users when a particular task has not been completed, youll first want to:
- Navigate to Admin> Maintenance> Workflow Maintenance.
- Find the workflow you want the nag alerts to populate from (in this example, we will enable workflow alerts on a Quote) and hit Edit.
- You have three different workflows to choose from, Engineering Review, Purchasing Review and Sales Editing (in this example, we will enable nag alerts for Engineering Review).
- You can choose either certain users that the workflow can be initially assigned to, or a certain role. If you choose the role, any user with that role will be able to receive the workflow assignment
- Choose a user that we will send the quote to for Engineering Review. Click Submit.
- Now we are going to enable the nag alerts. Check the box, Enable Priority/Nag Alerts? Click Submit.
- There are 3 different priority levels, each with its own escalation time of your choosing. For each priority, if the user has not completed the task after a set number of minutes, Cetec will escalate i.e. send a nag email to the users that you have selected in the Escalate To list.
- Enter the escalation time in minutes, and repeat the process for Priority 2 & 3 if you choose to do so.
- Once you have finished editing your priority levels, hit Submit.
- Now lets put this into action. Navigate to a quote and select the workflow drop-down from the top-right corner of the screen.
- Before sending the quote via the workflow, youll want to set the Priority first.
- Once that has been set, you now can send this quote to engineering review to the users that we have defined in our Workflow Maintenance earlier.
- Youll notice that the workflow now is showing the threshold of time that the user has to complete the task.
- Once the threshold of time has been hit, the workflow tool will turn red and the nag alert email will be sent!