• Set Up A Part Spec Group
    • Navigate to PARTS » Part Spec Groups. Click Show Create, give it a name, and click Create.
    • Once you are in a Part Spec Group, add Part Spec Rules. Enter all the exchangable parts. The Prcpart Match? field supports patterned search (hover over Prcpart Match? to read the description on how to use this) as well as exact search.
    • The Num Part Matches column shows the # of parts in the part list that satisfy the Part Spec Rule.
  • Choosing A Part To A Part Spec Group
    • Navigate to a BOM Edit page.
    • If a component is a member of a part spec group, then that part spec group should show under the Part Spec pulldown menu. Choose a part spec group and Update.
  • Choosing Which Part To Use
    • After assigning a part to a part spec group, navigate to the production order screen of an order involving the relevant part. Click on BOM Management link to the left.
    • A pulldown menu will list all the members of relevant part spec group. Specify which one you would like to use and click on Update Order Specific BOM.
    • Proceed with the order as usual with the selected part.


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