How To Add Pricing Rules per Business Type

In some instances, you might want to set up pricing rules depending on the customer, but to do this, you must set up ‘business types’ in Cetec. Business types will be associated with specific customers.

  • Navigate to Admin»Maintenance»Data Maintenance»‘BUSINS’. On this page, you will add your four ‘business types’.
    • Click ‘add record’ to add a new line to that table set
    • Fill out the required information
    • Click submit.
  • You must then go into each of your customers and change their business type to one of the business types we just created.
    • Navigate to Sales»Customers»Customer List
    • Click on a customer, and click ‘edit’ on the left-hand side
    • Click the business type dropdown. Select the business type for that customer. Be sure to click the ‘Update’ button after you edit this information.
  • Now that you’ve created your business types and associated them with your customers, you must create your pricing rule.
    • Navigate to Parts»Pricing Maintenance»Pricing Rules.
    • Click ‘Add Pricing’ and type in the customer, select their business type and click submit.
    • This will create a new row in which we will edit the actual pricing rules per customer.


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