• To use the UOM & UOM Conversion feature in Cetec ERP you must first set up the UOM units that you want to utilize. To do so, navigate to ADMIN » Maintenance » Data Maintenance » UOM.

  • Set up all of the UOMs you intend to use (e.g. grams, gallons, drums, units, inches, boxes, etc.).

  • Once the UOMs are set up, navigate to ADMIN » Maintenance » Unit Conversions.

  • Select two UOMs you want to set the conversion rate for and click Create. You can either make a generic conversion rule that applies to all UOMs of the specified types, or a rule that applies only to a specific part.

  • An entry will be added below the header. Type the conversion rate here, and the corresponding conversion rate will be automatically filled out.

  • Now go to a particular part profile screen, and click Edit on the left side navigation menu. You will be able to set the part’s default UOM. The default UOM for a part should be the UOM that you plan to consume it in, or the way you would model it in a BOM, pick list, etc.

  • When you have to purchase a part with a UOM other than its default UOM, create a pquote for the part and specify the UOM that the vendor is selling the part in. When you receive the part in, Cetec ERP will notify you of the UOM discrepancy and ask whether you would like to convert it to the part’s default UOM based on the conversion rate you have defined.


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