• Find a Report and Set Filters
    • Go to any report that you want to save as a user’s default screen in Cetec ERP and set filters to show the result you want.
    • The data for filters you have set will all be saved within the report’s URL (i.e. the web link inside the search bar at the top of your web browser). After you are done setting the filters, copy the whole URL by clicking into the address bar of your browser.
  • Save the Link in a user profile
    • Navigate to ADMIN » Users » [click on Edit User by the user you want to edit].
    • Paste the link you copied above into Homepage (user forced here after login), scroll to the bottom, and click Submit.
    • Next time that user logs into Cetec ERP, they will be directed to the specific report you have just pasted.
  • Set a Bookmark
    • You can also bookmark specific reports by going to any page in Cetec, setting the parameters for the report you need to run, and clicking My Bookmarks » Add Bookmark in the top-right area of the app navigation.


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