Cetec ERP helps growing companies clean up complicated systems of spreadsheets and workarounds developed to manage the complexities of product lifecycle management, from design to development, production, quality, change, and end of life. PLM is directly integrated to our ERP sytem so you can keep all of your data, files, and documents in a single location with intuitive access points. Cetec ERP makes PLM easier and can help your company grow.

Part record management

  • Part numbers, smart numbering, descriptions, attributes, etc.
  • Unit of measure drives inventory tracking
  • Maintain records as BOMs or subassemblies
  • Quick reporting on part usage, transaction history, etc.

BOM management

  • Multi-level nested BOMs (infinite levels)
  • Maintain labor plan, estimate, and routing
  • Permanent versus order-specific BOM management
  • Work instructions, inspection instructions, quality alerts to publish on work orders with expiration dates, etc.

Revision management

  • Maintain revs as current/active/obsolete
  • Attach documents to specific revisions of BOM
  • Roll revs with ECO / ECN process

Document control

  • Attach documents to BOMs; docs populate on work order for access on shop floor
  • Upload any file type, drawing, machine program, work instructions, data sheets, etc.

Engineering change process

  • Robust, clean, controlled ECO process
  • Manage all affected components, higher-level BOMs, open work orders for the material, etc.
  • Route ECO through various stages departments in workflow, ping assignee with email alert and “nag” notifier, report on ECO assignment history, etc.

Quality control

  • Full suite QMS integrated to the ERP system
  • Failed inspections initiate NCR process
  • Link CAR / CAPA to NCR, perform root cause analysis
  • Customer complaint/satisfaction case management
  • Tool calibration/maintenance scheduling
  • Controlled software process earns you easy pass at ISO and API spec Q1/Q2 audits


  • Total integration to shop floor processes
  • Electronic work instructions, job checklists, data collection, and process control
  • Track labor time and routing against BOM estimates
  • Complete outsource MFG management


We want to help you take your company to the next level with Cetec ERP.

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