Cetec ERP Release 4.18

We are excited to announce that Cetec ERP 4.18 has been released to BETA!

Cetec ERP 4.18 will be rolled out to LIVE cloud environments in March. We are looking forward to seeing our customers take advantage of the number of new features in Cetec ERP 4.18, all geared to make daily tasks simpler and teams more efficient!

Important new features:

  • The “new version” of the work order Split Line screen has been re-written to allow automatically moving existing order serials to the new split. Previously, if you had already serialized, you were required to manually delete/modify existing serial numbers on the original workorder and the newly split workorder. Now, you may specify which serials you want to move with a batch select checkbox tool. Visit our guide here.

  • When a user has Kiosk mode enabled, Cetec ERP will display the Currently Scanned User toward the top of the screen.

  • For batch receipt label printing, Cetec ERP now contains an enhancement to allow batch printing of receipt labels from the receipt list (as well as on multi-line receiving on the Warehouse » Receiving screen once receipt of all lines is complete.) Please know that custom receipt labels may require extra customization for this enhanced feature. Default receiving labels in your environment won’t have any issues. Watch the how to video here.

  • Added County to Address Fields

    • PQuote, PO, Quote, Sales Order, Customer, Vendor

Other new features:

  • New enhancement will set a default display behavior to include the Quote/Order “Name” field wherever the order header number is displayed (if “name” field is populated with a value). Note! If you have current quote/order/invoice document customizations in place to explicitly display the Order “Name” field, then be aware you may now have the “name” field displayed twice; please adjust your document customizations accordingly if you wish.

  • In a recent version of Cetec ERP, the Hide Cost and Hide Resale roles were revamped to be more robustly restrictive, which included hiding the packing slip (because the packing slip contains a show/hide configuration option to “show resale”. Now, by default, the “Hide Cost” user role will NOT restrict a user from viewing/printing the packing slips (because packing/shipping users need to be able to print packing slips).

  • On the “new version” of the Work Order screen, the tab previously named “Scrap” has now been renamed “Materials” (the “old version” of the work order screen still titles this tab as “Parts”).

  • The “new version” of Part » BOM Export has been re-written for speed optimization and to support faster exports of larger BOMs. This newly optimized BOM export is only available via the “New Version” of part/BOM screens.

  • Added the ability to create a new custom doc for the Check object. This allows users to create custom exports for various payment format requirements, such as CPA-005.

  • The “new version” of the Customer Master now includes a list of carrier accounts supported by the “new version” (previously only the “old version” of the carrier accounts list was supported).

  • In the “projects” module of Cetec ERP, the main Projects List (a report of all open projects) has been re-written (new version only) to optimize for speed when loading a larger number of open projects.

  • The A/R Summary report now contains a “mode” toggle whereby you can run the aging based on A/R invoice due date versus A/R invoice pay by date. Previously, the mode in which this report could be run was determined solely by a system-wide config setting for aging based on due date versus invoice date. Now, the report mode will let you override that config setting on-the-fly.

  • Cetec ERP allows defining a component on a BOM with Qty Per Top of zero (for work instruction purposes, e.g. to inform an operator to pick an immaterial part/component on a work order). However, this was triggering a process control at complete/receive/invoice of a work order that “not all parts have been picked!” - we have updated the code to allow this to flow through with no process control error.

  • The “Sales Overview” dashboard has been enhanced to allow filtering results by site/location; previously it was only displaying results for All Locations.

  • Cetec ERP supports flagging certain components of a BOM as “customer supplied” to help purchasing/planning know when a certain component needed will be supplied by a customer as opposed to sourcing from a vendor. This flag may now be set via a column mapped on a BOM import.

  • Foreign currency conversion fix: Cetec ERP will now properly support currencies of standard costs and prepayment amounts on vendor PQuotes and POs.

  • Cetec ERP already supports adding “user defined fields” (i.e. bonus columns) on receipt/bin FIFO layers, e.g. if you wanted to track additional meta-data with receipt/inventory along with bin, lot code, date code, revision, etc. These bonus columns may now be filtered/searched via the “new version” of the PO Receipt list.

  • There is a config setting called “auto_dock_date” which attempts to set all Dock Date quote/order line item Dock Dates to equal their respective ship dates ONLY if the order type is an internal build-to-stock work order. When editing a Ship Date on-the-fly from the Release To Production table, the Dock Date wasn’t automatically following. This fix ensures that it does.

  • There is a reminders “widget” (displays as a dashboard on the home page) which shows users reminders of tasks/notes assigned to them. This widget will now be available by default for a user to display on their homepage, irrespective of whatever user role setting(s) they have.

  • Fix: the “new version” of the Schedule By Location report was defaulting the “to” date to Today, which was causing some data sets not to load properly; the report will no longer default to Today as the “to” date and avoid this issue.

  • Fix: in the “new version” of various reports (e.g. part pricing menu, waterfall material forecasts, etc.) decimals were displaying with many zeroes. This fix (“new version” issue only) ensures that the configuration options for how many decimals to display are honored.

  • Fix: there was a discrepancy between the vendor (outsource) PO packing slip preview page and the actual PDF to be downloaded/sent. This fix ensures consistency.

  • When creating an outsource PO from a workorder, this change will ensure that the “Dock Date” is defaulted to Today’s date.

  • Fix: from the Release To Production report, when selecting multiple work orders’ travelers (Work List documents) to Batch Print, the batch print function was not properly honoring page breaks. This fix will ensure that it does.

  • The vendor view page now breaks out segments of vendor data into categories for easier view/usability (similar to how the categorization of the vendor master view).

  • In Cetec ERP, there is a feature on the Lead report (Sales » Leads » Lead List) that allows you to click within the table/row itself (the “Newest Note” column) to add a note to a lead on-the-fly, without having to click into the Lead record. In the “new version” of the lead list, this function was not supporting the case when a note wasn’t already present. Now it supports this case.

  • Fix: the “new version” of the waterfall now honors configuration preference for whether an expiring receipt/bin of inventory constitutes a forecasted material shortage or not. This is now consistent with the behavior of the “old version” of the waterfall.

  • You may now print out barcode IDs for Tool IDs in the Asset/Tool module of Cetec ERP; these barcodes may be scanned to check-in / check-out tools and equipment from the Tool Crib check-in check-out feature.

  • The “new version” of the Production Order List report now combines the order name and order number fields into a single search field so that you can search either (this was done in order to limit the large, chaotic number of search filters on that report). Additionally, there are now filters for “is schedule locked?” (yes/no) and also “is order top-level?” (yes/no).

  • New data protection enhancement now exists on the Admin » Maintenance » Data Maintenance » OrdlineStatus table. If you attempt to delete an OrdlineStatus from that table and there are open workorders assigned to that status, the system will throw an error, to help you avoid orphaning off the work order status of any such work order.

  • Cetec ERP provides two ways of costing labor/overhead into a production item on a work order upon complete/receiving or invoicing that workorder: actual costing or using the labor estimate. If you wish to use the labor estimate (instead of actual) by default, there is a configuration option to “Invoice - Default Use Estimated Labor”. This new enhancement allows you to set that configuration option per company/site location instead of being system-wide.

  • Fix: Cetec ERP supports utilizing the Bank Reconcile module to reconcile credit card statements. However, display of negative amounts on a statement were showing negative before clicking update, but positive after clicking update, which was causing problems totaling numbers. This fix addresses that issue. Additionally, logic for whether or not an account was a liability was failing, resulting in incorrect values on the “new version” of the Bank Reconcile statement; this fix also addresses that issue.

  • The “new version” of the Release To Production report now supports filtering for multiple transaction code selections at once via multi-select.

  • New enhancements to order prepayment capability: this adds a cost center mapping to the “write offs” section of the prepayment window. Previously, if you had a “require cost center (cc)” config setting turned on, the prepayment was looking to enforce requirement of cost center on the write-off amount, but there was no mapping to set it.

  • Cetec ERP supports different types of order/credit holds, including a “hold” which prevents demand from registering to buyers/planners in allocation and MRP. This new enhancement allows factoring of supply>demand in allocation/MRP if/when an item is already fully picked to a workorder (this can generate false representation of no demand otherwise).

  • New capability allows editing end user information on a sales invoice if it was unset on the order before invoice/shipping.

  • Part list enhancement now includes a column for NCNR (non-cancelable non-returnable) yes/no.

  • Cetec ERP allows emailing A/R statements to customers and A/P statements to vendors. There is now a new config setting “AP Payment Email - Default Body” and “AR Payment Email - Default Body” you can use to auto-populate the email body content for whenever you send those emails from the system.

  • When tax is set via an external source (e.g. tax calculated on an order incoming from an e-commerce application), the invoice view will now total up the external tax amount collected against the order. Previously this particular tax type amount was only showing on the invoice PDF.

  • Enhancements to cleanup display of the invoice traceability document. Previously, clicking the “Show with Sub Components” button was causing a misalignment of the columns.

  • The “new version” of the work order now includes any “user defined fields” (i.e. bonus columns) defined on any quote/order line item; this is consistent with the old version of the workorder screen.

  • Incoming inspections rules configuration now allows you to create a condition for if/when an incoming receipt is a “non-PO” receipt vs. a normal vendor PO Line receipt.

  • The “new version” of the A/R receivables invoice list now allows you to sort the report by invoice number.

  • The “new version” of the Sales Order List includes a new “Terms” filter and allows the “Terms” column to be sortable. This also improves currency formatting across multiple columns.

  • New enhancement to the Check Register (both new and old versions) to allow sorting the report by vendor (pay to vendor).

  • New enhancement to the Capacity Utilization (Work Load) report will factor any scheduled work that is marked as “completed” to represent freed up capacity no longer occupied/utilized for the date range specified.

  • Cetec ERP will now flash a success alert message when cloning a ledger entry.

  • The “new version” of Sales Order Bookings report now contains a column for Customer PO number.

  • BOM charges can now be applied to components and sub-BOMs to be included in the BOM worksheet when used as a component. These charges, if included on a sub-BOM worksheet, will roll up with the transfer to quote. For charges with ‘Add Line Item’, these will be honored even when the charge is not against the top level BOM. Charges applied to the top level BOM will show on its BOM worksheet.

  • Misc charges can now apply to parts for non-BOM quote lines, and will add a line for the Misc Charge to the quote that scales with qty changes.

  • Change to the Order Need Qty and Need Qty Cost columns on MRP to hide/remove these columns unless either the Order # or Order bonus columns are being used to filter MRP. These columns only apply to these filters, and thus are only accurate when using the Order # or Order bonus columns. NOTE: If you have a selectbox bonus column, the “All” filtering option is considered to be no orders.