Improve Quote Turnaround Time and Protect Margins with Advanced BOM Quoting for Manufacturing

In the competitive custom manufacturing landscape, the ability to efficiently generate accurate quotes is crucial. In fact, numerous sources indicate that most often it’s not price or lead time that wins a job - it’s the company who is quickest to turn around a quote that secures the sale. The challenges of quoting complex custom jobs, especially for contract manufacturers, machine/job shops, and engineer-to-order companies underscore the need for a streamlined quoting process.

Quoting is complex, and being able to protect your margins can literally be a make-or-break on the viability of your business. Traditional methods, reliant on intricate spreadsheets, demand extensive industry knowledge that complicates the management of cohesive cost and pricing strategies.

Cetec ERP helps manufacturers address these challenges head-on with its BOM Quote worksheet, a revolutionary tool designed to refine quoting in manufacturing. At the heart of this solution is a focus on the ‘cost basis’ of a Bill of Materials (BOM) - the foundational costs of materials, labor, and miscellaneous expenses tied to a product’s creation. By meticulously calculating this cost basis, manufacturers can determine markups with precision, ensuring accurate and predictable margins. The BOM Quote worksheet streamlines this process, enabling direct importation of cost data into quotes and facilitating real-time pricing adjustments.

Further enhancing its utility, Cetec ERP allows manufacturers to compare the estimated costs against the actual costs both while the product is in process and after it has been shipped, providing a detailed cost analysis and comparison. This feature ensures not only that quotes are competitive and accurate but also that they reflect the true cost of manufacturing, allowing businesses to maintain healthy margins.

To explore how Cetec ERP can transform your quoting process, significantly improve your quote turnaround time, and grow your business, visit our quoting feature outline for a closer look at our advanced BOM quoting capabilities and start your journey toward more efficient and accurate manufacturing quoting today.