Changing Revisions on Work Orders

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) tools are used to manage the deviations and development of a product over time. These are necessary early in the R&D process to finalize a product. But often, either your production floor or one of your contract manufacturers makes changes while a product is actively being worked on. A host of things need to occur to ensure that the product’s bill of materials (BOM) is utilizing the correct revision with the specifications you need.

Ensuring smooth transitions between revisions on work orders is crucial for manufacturing operations. Cetec ERP simplifies this process through various user-friendly methods. Let’s delve into how each feature caters to real-world manufacturing needs.

Ideally, revision changes on an active work order are tied into an engineering change order (ECO). Using an ECO synchronizes engineering’s role with your team in Inventory, Purchasing, Production, and Sales. This is helpful in assessing the impact of inventory on hand that may become obsolete, which purchase orders need to be canceled or amended, which in-process work orders are frozen until documents and changes are updated on the floor, and, finally, full customer communication to close the loop. You can learn more about Cetec ERP’s ECO process here.

Our Change Rev feature is located within the Work Order screen. This tool streamlines revision swapping. By displaying current components and offering a dropdown menu of active revisions, the Change Rev feature enables easy revision changes while providing a clear overview of the modifications. Manufacturers can easily assess the impact of revisions on production schedules and resource allocation, ensuring seamless workflow adjustments without disruptions.

Cetec ERP also has a feature that allows you to update order BOMs. Modifications to BOMs post order commitment are common in manufacturing; with Cetec ERP, manufacturers can update BOMs even after orders have been committed. By accessing the BOM management screen, users can seamlessly replace order-specific BOMs, ensuring that ongoing orders reflect the latest configurations. This feature minimizes discrepancies between production plans and actual builds, enhancing operational efficiency and product consistency.

Flexibility is key in dynamic manufacturing environments. Cetec ERP allows users to add components from another BOM directly to their Order Specific BOM, facilitating agile adjustments to production requirements. Whether accommodating customizations, responding to supply chain fluctuations, or optimizing product designs, this capability empowers manufacturers to adapt swiftly to evolving demands and maintain competitiveness in fast-paced markets.

In manufacturing scenarios, these features play pivotal roles in optimizing production processes and ensuring timely delivery of quality products. For instance, you may receive updated specifications from a client midway through production. With Cetec ERP’s change rev feature, you can swiftly adjust the Work Order revision, ensuring that the production team is working with the most current information. Similarly, if a component becomes unavailable and needs substitution, the ability to replace order-specific BOMs ensures continuity of production without delays.

By utilizing these features, manufacturers can navigate evolving production requirements with confidence, reducing rework, minimizing downtime, and ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction. Our detailed guide explores how to leverage these functionalities.