Cetec ERP empowers surgical instrument and biomedical manufacturers with the distinct competitive advantage of a modern business suite.

Neurovision Image

Success Story: Neurovision Medical Products

Neurovision Medical Products, founded in 1973 in Ventura, CA, is a pioneer of intraoperative nerve monitoring technologies. They build surgical devices that specialize in the identification and preservation of motor neurons. Neurovision’s longstanding dedication to constant innovation made them an ideal match for the modernized Cetec ERP manufacturing suite.

“We narrowed our selection process down to Cetec ERP and one other company. Cetec ERP was full featured and integrated, and dramatically affordable, so in the end it was a simple choice.” - Alan Galvan, Engineering Manager

Why Did Cetec ERP Make Sense For Surgical Instrumentation?

Biomedical device production is incredibly dynamic, highly regulated, and requires extensive and consistent mechanisms for traceability. Neurovision faced the challenge of finding a software suite specialized enough to handle complex and regulated manufacturing requirements, while also broad enough to integrate the various “silos” of their growing company.

Neurovision Medical Products attributes the success of their cloud ERP project to the following:

  • A simple and transparent sales process and risk-curbing gap analysis to ensure all critical business needs were covered by the platform.

  • Adequate preparatory measures for the Neurovision team, including remote training and weekly project consults to ensure constant progress toward implementation goals.

  • Active daily technical support for efficiency and seamless transition from Quickbooks to cloud ERP.

  • Centering implementation goals around accounting/financials together with inventory control, in order to achieve real time and accurate numbers to drive ongoing business decisions

  • Achieving real and bulletproof inventory traceability, in addition to digital and real-time order tracking, for both the internal management, customer satisfaction, and medical device manufacturing audit purposes (e.g. CFR Part 11, ISO 13485, etc.)

  • Segmentation of users and user roles for better security and access control

The Final Analysis

Neurovision believes the Cetec ERP platform will help facilitate desired steps toward continuous improvement and innovation on the technology side of their business as leading edge surgical equipment manufacturers, in addition to helping scale their growing business well. Cetec ERP now forms the backbone of Neurovision Medical Products’ day to day business, from sales and Customer Relationship Management to inventory traceability to accounting. For Neurovision, this is a foundation for them to expand in the incredibly dynamic and competitive market in which they operate.

“We are very satisfied with Cetec ERP so far. When we have any requirements, they are quick to respond. I, personally, have had to ask a few detailed questions to their support team, and the answer was there within the hour.” - Alan Galvan.


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