As a small, growing distributor and assembler of niche electronic components, Midstate Electronics needed a complete solution to automate every department in their business. On a tight budget, and with an urgent timeline, the new owner of Midstate found in Cetec ERP a cloud accounting and inventory platform par excellence for an extremely low cost that could scale with them into future growth.

Success Story: Midstate Electronics

Midstate Electronics has been in the components manufacturing services industry for 40 years. After having run on an aging legacy ERP system for about 15 years, the system began to impact Midstate’s ability to meet their customers’ demands for agility, lower costs of product and services, and material traceability. Midstate also faced looming upgrades to the latest ISO 9001 and AS9100 standards.

“Our previous legacy system presented significant difficulties and costs in the face of impending ISO and AS9100 audits. Upgrading my ERP system to Cetec ERP was essential to my company’s survival.” - Josh Reed, President & Owner at Midstate Electronics

Why did Cetec ERP make sense for a company needing cloud Small Business Inventory & Accounting software?

Midstate previously ran their quick turn assembly and distribution business on a full blown ERP system that ran all financials and also all inventory and production. Though the system was run on a much older technology, they couldn’t afford to skimp on functionality; they needed a complete system.

Furthermore, Midstate is a small business. They needed a complete ERP solution, but as a small business, didn’t have budget for the larger cloud inventory and accounting systems available today like NetSuite. Cetec ERP was the perfect small business cloud inventory and accounting system.

“Most ERP systems offer the basic functionality you would need but the most important requirements to me were ease of use, modern software functionality, and price. I chose Cetec ERP because it met all of my needs and they promised to have me up and running in about a month. Most ERP implementations can take 6+ months, so I was skeptical with the timing, but we were able to successfully implement Cetec ERP and go-live on the promised date with no interruptions to my business. “ - Josh Reed.

Midstate Electronics Project Success and Cloud ERP Benefits

With Midstate’s previous ERP solution, they had 2 accounting FTEs and an external CPA to assist with financials. Now, Midstate doesn’t need an external CPA and they have reassigned one of their accounting employees to more value-added business activities. Because Cetec ERP is completely cloud based, Midstate has avoided all typical IT support costs, database backups, and disaster recovery. Since implementing Cetec ERP, Midstate Electronics has shut down their entire legacy server hardware infrastructure and have eliminated IT expenses. According to Midstate, on top of getting a cutting-edge ERP system for inventory, accounting, distribution, production, warehousing, and quality management, upgrading to Cetec ERP has already paid for itself.

Customer Satisfaction & Continued Partnership

One of the unexpected benefits of going onto the Cetec ERP platform Midstate experienced was updating some of their business processes by getting visibility into processes that could be done more efficiently or changing the process to get better traceability.

By default, the Cetec ERP system is very well designed, and encourages industry best practices. However, in the instances where Midstate truly has demonstrated a unique business need, the Cetec Support team has been there to help. The Cetec ERP platform has also done an amazing job of enabling Midstate to customize and maintain the product themselves. Midstate has added their own unique custom fields to their parts and customers, and also independently customized their own forms to get them exactly how they want them.

“With Cetec ERP you are getting a fully functioning ERP system right out of the box, a worry-free IT platform, and a passionate team with the background and expertise in manufacturing and distribution. As much as technology enables automatization and efficiencies, our complex global world is still about relationships. I view Cetec as a strategic partner, not just a software provider.” - Josh Reed.


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